The (Un)Official PipesMagazine Secret Santa Thread 2022!

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Oct 16, 2020
Apparently I’ve been a good boy this year! Santa showed up! A couple of very favorite blends, a sample of some old (2000 “something”, love it) CVP I will save for a week or two (if I can wait), a very interesting looking burley I’ll be trying while out with hiking with the dog and a cool estate Sherlock in a shape I’ve been back and forth about getting for a long time - it’s proportions are perfect, glad I waited! Still waiting on various items for my “match” who will likely benefit from this inspiration. 578BEF14-F484-4C09-8F5A-C15B41501C03.jpeg


Nov 14, 2020
View attachment 184972
It might not look as nice, but the Vince Vance original cut of All I Want For Christmas Is You will always be superior to Mariah Carey's version.
View attachment 184972
It might not look as nice, but the Vince Vance original cut of All I Want For Christmas Is You will always be superior to Mariah Carey's version.

I just saw online that he sued Mariah over the use of this song.

Wow, wonder what’s going to happen.

A fine package indeed!!! Well done SS!! I cannot wait to try them all and engage my senses and my mind with your gifts! Thank You kind sir it is well received and much appreciated!
View attachment 184986
Oooooo - Merton is good stuff! A pipe and a book like that makes for a wonderful weekend especially if in nature and if you have a dram of whiskey all the better :)
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