I feel badly now. We do secret santa in my family with there being far more children than anyone could buy for and the price/gift # limits are steadfast rules. Apparently here they are less "rule" and more "absolute minimum". Sorry Skraps

my bad
Now, now, Nate, there's no need for feeling down. This exchange has always been a, "2) Agree to send a gift of two (2) sealed tobacco tins, pouches, etc. of 50g each (or the equivalent volume of tobacco in sealed condition), incurring costs for the present and shipping." exchange.
Anything that folks choose to send above and beyond that is on them, and there is no pressure to do any more. We all know this when we sign up, and when we sign up we do so with the understanding that this is about sharing and fellowship and community.
So let yourself off the hook, my friend.
Happy Holidays!
-- Pat