I just finished a tin of Molto Dolce, and didn't find it very sweet tasting. The room note was great, but I couldn't pick up a lot of flavor, no matter what pipe I smoked it in. Immediately after finishing my tin of Molto Dolce, I cracked a tin of Mac Baren's Mixture Scottish. I found that to have a very nice sugary taste, bust also some real tobacco flavor. That's been my experience with a lot of aromatics lately - maybe my palate has been desensitized with age, but I get more steam than flavor with most standard aromatics. However, there are a great many tobaccos that do taste very sweet to me, but aren't strictly aromatic. If you can't find the sweet flavor you're looking for, you might want to delve into some less aromatic blends. I like Mac Baren Mixture Scottish and Peterson's University Flake. H&H Mazatec is another one worth trying, if you're interested in having a little Latakia in your aromatic.