The Sweetest Tobacco You Ever Had?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
May 11, 2014
I've heard a lot about Molto Dolce! Is there sweeter out there? Do you think I could mix some blends? What about a pipe show? We have one comming to Columbus Ohio (go Bucks) this will be my 1st but do they have a lot of samples from little dealers that you don't really hear about? Sorry for all the ?'s.


Strike Anywhere

Can't Leave
Nov 9, 2011
Central United States
Marine33, I'm curious exactly what kind of experience you are looking for or expecting with the pipe. I remember a thread a while back where you were looking for the same type of sweetness you get from your e-cigs. If that is what you are looking for, with all due respect, you need to stick with e-cigs. There is no pipe tobacco out there that is even going to come close to the sweetness of e-cigs. E-cig juice is composed of sweet flavors, usually diluted in propylene glycol (which our taste buds interpret as sweet), with nicotine.
If you're looking for sweetness with actual burning tobacco taste, then some of the recommendations above might be good. I still think aromatics for a cig smoker are a bad idea. There's just not enough flavor and/or nicotine to keep you interested. Your tastes (and nicotine tolerance) are at a different level from non-smokers or the occasional cigar smoker trying out a pipe. I still think you need to try something like Frog Morton or Frog Morton's Cellar. They are slightly sweet (don't expect dessert here) but the Latakia provides body and a smokiness that I think will keep your attention.
My offer from earlier still stands. Buy a tin of Frog Morton or Frog Morton Cellar (or both). If you don't like them, I have quite a few sealed tins of aromatic tobaccos and will gladly trade you an excess of my sealed aromatics for your opened Frog Mortons. You can't really beat'll only be out a few bucks for shipping.
PM me if you're interested in doing that. I won't have time to follow this thread closely.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 11, 2014
Hey TAB thanks for the reply. I think I just want a sweet flavor that is strong. Not like a e-cig I through that away thanks to Sparrowhawk. I don't want a hooka or what ever they are. Just something that is real powerful with a sweet taste. Lane 1-Q is growing on me. Also sweet dreams and berry cobbler by boswells. Something pipe smokers refer to your desert pipe blend but I just want mine real powerful. I wanna try that cherry bomb and well pretty much all the ones mentioned. I guess that's why my teeth rotted and I had to get dentures at 40 (sweet tooth) plus quad racing accident. Hope I explained it ok.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 2, 2013
I haven't tried any of the above mentioned so I'm not,sure on those. I really enjoy lat blends but when I am in the mood for something sweet I enjoy Ashton's guilty pleasure.



Might Stick Around
May 4, 2014
Oddly, I find vapers "sweeter" than any aro I've ever had. I think one could get diabetes off of McClelland's St James Woods :)



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 3, 2013
I just finished a tin of Molto Dolce, and didn't find it very sweet tasting. The room note was great, but I couldn't pick up a lot of flavor, no matter what pipe I smoked it in. Immediately after finishing my tin of Molto Dolce, I cracked a tin of Mac Baren's Mixture Scottish. I found that to have a very nice sugary taste, bust also some real tobacco flavor. That's been my experience with a lot of aromatics lately - maybe my palate has been desensitized with age, but I get more steam than flavor with most standard aromatics. However, there are a great many tobaccos that do taste very sweet to me, but aren't strictly aromatic. If you can't find the sweet flavor you're looking for, you might want to delve into some less aromatic blends. I like Mac Baren Mixture Scottish and Peterson's University Flake. H&H Mazatec is another one worth trying, if you're interested in having a little Latakia in your aromatic.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 11, 2014
Ok writing these down for my next TAD order. This is why I love this forum. You all are the best!! :lol:

Jun 7, 2014
Well I do prefer sweet taste.. Vanilla flavor I love most but now I am trying to find some crazy flavors which I have never tried earlier..



Jul 24, 2013
Thanks to the tip above, I was able to find Cherry Bomb at the local tobacco store. Their supply is usually sparse, but they do carry CAO flavors (at exorbitant prices). Loved it! So what's wrong with Kool-Aid? I also took a moment to show them an empty tin of Sutliff's Charlemagne, advising them about Sutliff's Private Stock, and warning them if they charged $11 per tin, then they could forget about repeat business. And I asked for stick matches. They said they would try to have the Sutliff's in stock by the end of the week. Now let's see what they charge for it...



Might Stick Around
Oct 29, 2012
If you want to get off the weed go to Pick a flavor and pick a strength. Read the forum about Snus and what it is . You will break the cycle with cigarettes and you will be getting a source of Nicotene that has been proven to be effective in helping, and No this isn't dip which is heat treated. This is cured by pasteurization. Hope this helps.

P.S. Your teeth won't fall out either. You can puff your pipe, snus,
and be happy, as you lower the sun
:)s level slowly.



Can't Leave
Mar 18, 2014
I'm down to the occasional cigarette and occasional use of an e-cig, moreso pipes now.
One thing that may help you, coming from cigarettes, is to add a punch of an ultra high nicotine tobacco to whatever you put in your pipe. Maybe a pinch of Five Brothers into a bowl's worth of Molto Dolche, or something like that could be the ticket.
I think Gawith Hoggarth makes some sweet ropes - I recall the Sweet Coconut being nicely sweet and also strong in nicotine. Something like that may be worth checking out.
I still like the occasional cigarette - my advice is to not be too hard on yourself and think of it as a long term process. I was at a pack a day, and if I had gotten frustrated and given up, I wouldn't be down to maybe one or two cigarettes per day.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
Dan Tobacco's Blue Note is the sweetest I have tried, it tastes like the icing on carrot cake. They also have a vanilla that is incredibly sweet.



Starting to Get Obsessed
May 11, 2014
I cannot thank you all enough for your input. I am writing all these down and will try everyone of them. I want to thank each one of you.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
Frog Morton
This is a decent deal. Its three tins of Frog Morton, each a different blend and about what you pay at a B&M -but shipping is free. I have made several purchases through this seller and can vouch for them. I have no affiliation with the sale, just posting so if you were interested, you can snag three different Frog Morton's at once.
When I first got into latakia, I smoked a lot of Frog Morton so would second the recommendations above.

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