I'm new to pipes only 1 1/2 months but I'm learning the taste part of it. I like em sweet. My favorite is Boswells berry cobbler and sweet dreams. I can barely TASTE them. Is there a blen where you find TOO sweet? Maybe that will kick my taste buds into gear. Also I heard smoking cigarettes will hamper your tasting ability!! So I'm on my last pack!!!! I will get this pipe smoking thing down!! Bhahahah. Please let me know what you all consider to be WOW that was sweet. Is there anything I can drink or do to get my tobacco sweeter? If this sounds weird I'm sorry I just know me and I think the SWEET will shock my taste buds into high gear. I'm also hoping that within this week the ciggs will be outta my mouth and I can concentrate on the lovely pipe smoke all by its self! Again I thank you all for your comments.