Very good point SIr! Any butter at the last minute by chance to help thicken and richen it up a bit?
I don’t usually sauce steaks, and typically insult those who do. But I have a balsamic mushroom cream sauce that, when added to a ribeye grilled to perfection, takes it to a flavor level that’s nearly inconceivable.
As terrible as I am at practicing self-control, this is one that I usually only do every 3-4 months, and I always do it on ribeye and Malbec night. In my honest opinion, it’s so incredibly good that I don’t want to eat it more frequently than that so it’ll remain in the “treat” category.
I’ll go pick my own ribeye at the butcher on that day, and it’s not uncommon to have to visit 2-3 places before finding what I want. Then I’ll spend a few days dry aging it in the fridge before the meal.
Hell I guess Saturday is Valentines Day. Might as well go spend a few hours today hunting down a few of them and a bottle of Malbec for the occasion.
This thread should have the title changed to, “How to Make Your Wild Game Meat Last a Little Longer.”