It's nice to see that there are still a handful of people that can actually think for themselves -
The Problem With Smoke-Free Campuses
The Problem With Smoke-Free Campuses
LMFAODaveromano 12 minutes ago in reply to JillyJo
JillyJo -- here are two responses to the outdoor second hand smoke risk link you posted:
You might want to consider your own test: Stand beside 10,000 smokers outside for an hour. Then put your face in front of the exhaust pipe of a car or truck for 10 minutes. You may not, of course, survive the 2nd test...
When we as a people refused to take our rights seriously, and fight tooth and nail to protect them. As a general suggestion for those that enjoy to read I suggest looking at some of England's own Edmund Burke's writings as he reflects on the American, and French Revolutions. Very telling in our own time ,as we have let a false feeling of security and "health" trump the eternal value of freedom and personal liberty.When did we get to the point where "for the greater good"-type fascism was acceptable?