The Pipe Smoker's Paraphernalia

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Peter Peachfuzz

Can't Leave
Nov 23, 2019
Central Ohio
Around the house I can as scrappy as anyone.. generally some old cargo cut offs with a tee..ú in winter add flannel shirt.
But, since I got my CCW a few years ago means adding sport coat. Most bought at second stores for little $$. I tried a lot of holsters couldn't get comfortable with them. Now wear a shoulder rig that keeps the firearm in my left pit.


Feb 21, 2013
See avatar, as warren says. That's a Turkish fez my sister picked up in Turkey, a Black Watch plaid bathrobe, and a Savinelli 601 churchwarden my wife gave me that Christmas morning when I got the fez and maybe the bathrobe. I've resisted the inclination to retreat to t-shirts and sweatpants. I actually enjoy spiffing up a bit to go ordinary places. I often wear shirts with collars, and pants that aren't jeans, sometimes. I learned to tie a bowtie at some belated point, and that's always fun. I'm trying to figure out where I can wear a linen suit that hangs on my closet door. The last time I wore it was to a summer wedding, with a bowtie, a little off the path, but the college kids at the events said they admired it all. I suspected but decided they weren't pulling my leg.


Can't Leave
Jan 17, 2021
Southeast Pennsylvania

Wow, and I assumed you were just a literate tobacco farmer.

I've only worn a suit to weddings and funerals for the last few years. If the weather is cool, I may wear a sports coat without tie if we go out to dinner (somewhere nice). Otherwise, I wear shorts and tee shirts in warm weather, Orvis button down shirts and jeans in cool weather.

My daughter recently told me that I should dress more like my age, or in other words, I'm not 35 any more and don't look as good in jeans and cargo shorts as I used to.

Latakia Dave

Mar 4, 2021
Shenandoah Vally Virginia
@Latakia Dave Are you a re-enactor going by the first photo?
Halfdan, I used to do reenacting : French & Indian, Revolutionary War, American Mountain Man Association / fur trade and The War between the States. I was in the Movie, Gods and Generals if you have or care to watch that and see if you can pick me out in a couple of the scenes.
I built flintlock long rifles and smoothbore trade guns and did some knife smith work, but I don't do any of it anymore.
I've gotten too old and content to just fish and smoke my pipes these days and that's about the extent of it for me.


Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 22, 2021
Western New York
I am old enough to remember wearing color matching quality clothing and still do. I refuse to look like a can man or bum in the park. Shave every day unlike those who are in compition to look like Santa . It all went down hill when men stated to wear pants instead of trousers and braces. Don’t recall a fine looking women wanting to curl up to an old badger,
  • Haha
Reactions: JOHN72


May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
Please put your location in your Profile as people are forgetful.
That will save questions in the future as to where you live when you later mention local stores, weather, tobacco prices, availability, regulations, location of photos, wildfires, air quality, etc. In many instances that saves time for those who read your posts.
Under your avatar, (top right, left most of three symbols) you choose "Account Details", which brings up "My Account". "My Location" is halfway down. Whatever you're comfortable with- town, city, county, state. Just country if you must.
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Reactions: AKinser79


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Please put your location in your Profile as people are forgetful.
That will save questions in the future as to where you live when you later mention local stores, weather, tobacco prices, availability, regulations, location of photos, wildfires, air quality, etc. In many instances that saves time for those who read your posts.
Under your avatar, (top right, left most of three symbols) you choose "Account Details", which brings up "My Account". "My Location" is halfway down. Whatever you're comfortable with- town, city, county, state. Just country if you must.
Damn, I saw that you had posted here, and I thought that we were finally going to see a pic of John. Ha ha!
  • Haha
Reactions: Rockyrepose


Feb 1, 2010
All pipe smokers go through similar pipe dress up phases: The Lord of the Rings Phase, The Sherlock Holmes Phase, The Einstein Phase, The Mark Twain Phase and some millennial's go through the Hipster Pipe Smoker phase. Some even dress up in mens skirts for the Chicago pipe show, apparently thinking they will join William Wallace and liberate the hotel from the English. I feel like the phases really showed off the flair pipe smokers can have. My favorite phase was the Liberace phase. There is nothing like smoking your pipe with sequence suit with a long, feathery cape. I didn't so much grow out of it as just stop when it made my beer drinking, race car driving, motorcycle riding mechanic father would break down into tears weeping, "I'll never have grand children!" He was so over dramatic and provincial.

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Aug 30, 2011
All pipe smokers go through similar pipe dress up phases: The Lord of the Rings Phase, The Sherlock Holmes Phase, The Einstein Phase, The Mark Twain Phase and some millennial's go through the Hipster Pipe Smoker phase. Some even dress up in mens skirts for the Chicago pipe show, apparently thinking they will join William Wallace and liberate the hotel from the English. I feel like the phases really showed off the flair pipe smokers can have. My favorite phase was the Liberace phase. There is nothing like smoking your pipe with sequence suit with a long, feathery cape. I didn't so much grow out of it as just stop when it made my beer drinking, race car driving, motorcycle riding mechanic father would break down into tears weeping, "I'll never have grand children!" He was so over dramatic and provincial.

I work really hard to make the Liberace/Hipster thing work.


Aug 29, 2019
Finger Lakes area, New York, USA
Man, that looks dapper. (I had to look up that word to see if it was obsolete.) If you can pull it off--and you obviously can--I say go for it. Kudos and all that. In the same vein, I love fedoras. Trouble is, one can only wear them with irony, which annoys me. Last time I wore one it was with a Burberry trenchcoat. I walked into a hamburger joint and the fascinated young lass behind the counter thought someone was filming a movie. I ordered a double Wendy's with fries and told her I was a secret agent. PITA.


Might Stick Around
Aug 3, 2021
Central Florida
Man, that looks dapper. (I had to look up that word to see if it was obsolete.) If you can pull it off--and you obviously can--I say go for it. Kudos and all that. In the same vein, I love fedoras. Trouble is, one can only wear them with irony, which annoys me. Last time I wore one it was with a Burberry trenchcoat. I walked into a hamburger joint and the fascinated young lass behind the counter thought someone was filming a movie. I ordered a double Wendy's with fries and told her I was a secret agent. PITA.

As a bald man, I have to wear a hat in the scorching Florida sun. Most times I favor a Panama hat (climate dictates what I can wear) and nothing annoys me more when some whippersnapper* insists it is a fedora. A Panama hat looks nothing like a fedora. In winter it is worse when they say my trilby hat is a fedora. Neither are actual formal wear like a fedora is.

*Note: Kinser may only be 42 but sometimes he comes off as a man in his 80s.