The Paranormal?

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Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer

Interesting story, appreciate the sharing.
Ghost or paralysis or something else, I am not the judge of that.
Spooky enough, that's for sure.

I can say that although a skeptical some environments can have a
mood or atmosphere about them that creeps me out.
The nature of reality is very likely much more complex than our brains and senses can comprehend. Science seems to point to the nature of reality as being infinitely deeper and more complex than the macro reality we interact with using our senses and that even this reality is a type of illusion- a wave of energy so to speak. Why wouldn’t we ”perceive” intersections of something unexplainable from time to time. It’s not unreasonable. Of course our minds will fill in the construct with something more concrete to our understanding. A few days ago while walking, I saw a big hawk gliding sideways. It was so strange. I watched it for quite awhile. After a while, I realized it couldn’t be a hawk. It then became a plane. I was struck by how quickly my brain”reconstructed “ the image of what I was seeing. When I thought it was a bird, it looked like a bird. When I realized a bird couldn’t glide like that, the image reoriented itself so that the tip of the wing became the nose of a passenger jet. This was a clear example for me how our minds “construct” reality for us. Had I never seen a plane or knew of planes, it is possible that what I saw would have continued to look like a hawk.


Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
my wife and I were at a hotel in the ozarks. We were both sleeping when we were awaken at the same time by the sense that someone was in our room. We both saw a man clearly standing at the edge of our bed. I think I screamed and quickly turned on the light.
This happened to my wife on our honeymoon in our cabin in the Blue Ridge. She was screaming, "he's under our bed, he's under our bed." I was jerked out of a really good dream, and was like... "WTF is under the bed?" I wasn't about to stick my foot on floor if a bear or rattlesnake just ran under our bed. She said, "a man, he is under our bed."
I just clicked the light back off and rolled over. I told her to tell him to make us breakfast in the morning.


Nov 26, 2018
Lake Martin, AL
I have ghost. They are always moving/hiding things. They move my pipes, my keys, my hat, glasses. They are real tricksters. The put silly things in my pockets when I’m not looking like pieces of wood, odd sections of old wire, strange nuts and bolts. They turn lights on as well as water faucets. They leave the milk out of the fridge. They don’t seem to be malicious but it can be irritating when I’m in a hurry.


The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
Think about this. People will claim to be athiests, stating their is no proof of God. No evidence. Yet, they are willing to embrace an idea that the Big Bang is correct and that all the universe came from a singularity because physics points to this and scientists agree. Well excuse me, but both religion and science seem to look into the unknown - an unknown that continues to become more vast the deeper science looks. Quantum physics leads to quantum realities which lead to questions that question the very nature of existence- taking us back to where we started. At some point, it demands a great deal of faith to “follow the science”. to be clear, I embrace science and am an amature astronomer who is strongly interested in physics.

Science can help me build my house. Turning it into a home takes something else.
My brother, who recently passed away, was a theoretical physicist, top in his class at Caltech, 30 years at Los Alamos, a project leader there, who retired to go into private enterprise involving the advancement of science combining quantum mechanics with information theory, did not discount the possibility of the "paranormal" based on his decades of work. Given how physics is still incomplete and some very strange things happen at the subatomic level, one can't rule it out.
Doesn't mean that all reported experience is real, just that not all is fantasy and bullshit.
I should also add that his stance was shared by a number of his colleagues.


Dec 31, 2021
I don't have. But There have been activities happened in my showroom, where my colleague always said the side glass door, which is inside the building opened and closed by itself, without anyone pushing or any wind blowing. It's inside the building where wind cannot access, plus, there are glass doors, quite heavy. So it's impossible wind can blow it opened. So, there was this day, when I was in showroom duty with my colleague, I was sitting with my back facing the glass door, and it really opened by itself! My colleague shouted "Look! Look! That door open by itself!" I turned around, and saw the door so happen was closing by itself! And there were nobody there! I didn't believe my colleague at first, until I saw it with my own eyes that day.
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Aug 2, 2016
1 more paranormal tale from my family. My current wife is what is termed as an empath-someone who can sense what others are feeling without observable clues. Throughout her adult life she would periodically feel some inexplicable physical ailment or unexpected sadness. She would ponder where that came from and then think she was perhaps picking up on what someone she was close to was feeling. She then would call around those she was close to to check and, whenever she discovered that person was feeling the same thing, her ailing feeling would end.


Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 12, 2021
My Aunt also saw a strange man walking around my house in Christmas eve some years back. I never got to know who he was, she couldn't sense who he was at all.
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Unrepentant Philomath
Oct 16, 2011
If it’s not reproducible and there’s not objective data it’s not real.

The contention that we cannot understand the universe is demonstrably false and is frequently offered as proof of things for which there is no actual proof.

Anecdotes, no matter how many, do not constitute proof of anything.


Part of the Furniture Now
Aug 12, 2021
If it’s not reproducible and there’s not objective data it’s not real.

The contention that we cannot understand the universe is demonstrably false and is frequently offered as proof of things for which there is no actual proof.

Anecdotes, no matter how many, do not constitute proof of anything.
absence of evidence is not evidence of absence


Aug 2, 2016
If it’s not reproducible and there’s not objective data it’s not real.

The contention that we cannot understand the universe is demonstrably false and is frequently offered as proof of things for which there is no actual proof.

Anecdotes, no matter how many, do not constitute proof of anything.
Would beg to differ only in your conclusion that, if phenomena are not scientifically reproducible, they're not real. I would say, if they're not scientifically reproducible, we simply do not know the actual reality status of them. However, there have been over the years some university-based scientific studies of paranormal abilities which had reproducible outcomes.


Jan 31, 2011
The nature of reality is very likely much more complex than our brains and senses can comprehend. Science seems to point to the nature of reality as being infinitely deeper and more complex than the macro reality we interact with using our senses and that even this reality is a type of illusion- a wave of energy so to speak. Why wouldn’t we ”perceive” intersections of something unexplainable from time to time. It’s not unreasonable. Of course our minds will fill in the construct with something more concrete to our understanding. A few days ago while walking, I saw a big hawk gliding sideways. It was so strange. I watched it for quite awhile. After a while, I realized it couldn’t be a hawk. It then became a plane. I was struck by how quickly my brain”reconstructed “ the image of what I was seeing. When I thought it was a bird, it looked like a bird. When I realized a bird couldn’t glide like that, the image reoriented itself so that the tip of the wing became the nose of a passenger jet. This was a clear example for me how our minds “construct” reality for us. Had I never seen a plane or knew of planes, it is possible that what I saw would have continued to look like a hawk.
If you've never read The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot I'm sure you'd enjoy it.


Jan 31, 2011
As for something tangible with a fairly well documented history that would be considered to fall into the paranormal category, I can think of no better example than Coral Castle in Florida.

I've been fascinated with it and its creator Edward Leedskalnin for a long time. He certainly appears to have violated the generally accepted "laws of physics"...and I've yet to read or hear any satisfactory explanation that covers all of the known facts surrounding this whole story to convince me otherwise.
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Might Stick Around
Sep 5, 2017
NSW, Australia
I for one am rather happy that the spirit realm tends to leave me alone. I have enough going on in my life that I don’t have the capacity to deal with things of a paranormal nature as well.


Pipe Dreamer and Star Gazer
If you've never read The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot I'm sure you'd enjoy it.
I'm familiar with the theory. It wouldn't surprise me to find that "something" akin to this is what underlies the constructs of reality. Absolutely, it can be stated that the Macro Universe we perceive is without a doubt an illusion of our minds. Mass/energy moves upon vibrating strings that exists in multiple dimensions. Obviously, a brain that was developed on the plains of Africa perceives these waves of energy in the forms we see and are familiar with and make up our shared experiences. I personally am persuaded by the concept that the 5 or 6 dimensions that make up the micro verse of reality project "holographically" the four dimensions that we are able to sense and interact with. Reflecting back to something @sablebrush52 's brother was involved in, information is stored in the micro verse or the quantum dimensions. This information is not impacted by time, meaning the past, present, and future all exists at the same moment (not a strange thought when one considers that a photon exists outside the time continuum). This has led many philosophers, (hopefully not the drug addled ones that our friend @Chasing Embers is averse to) to consider that all information is stored at the quantum level and therefore the essence of ones being, thoughts, and experiences is also stored at this level. Eternity is not out of the question. Again, it takes a certain level of faith to consider this mumbo jumbo, but I find the congruence between physics and religion to be something of a comfort. YMMV. Of course.


Feb 2, 2019
Basel, Switzerland
Nothing personal, although an aunt of mine woke up in the middle on the night with the pressing thought her mother died, 10 minutes later the phone rang and her mother had indeed died. In another continent, old but healthy. I have 0 reason to not believe this story. No other remotely paranormal stories or any experience. I have had odd vibes but absolutely nothing that can’t be explained, no magic, ghosts or anything else. I always sift a situation for profit, find the profiteer and the “magic” is just a clever scam.

I am fascinated by “mind readers”, but consider them extremely intuitive and attentive people, most of the “mind reading” is educated guessing which can be impressive, but nobody has read my mind so far. I have a friend who is like that, trained as a psychologist and now makes a hell of a living as a pitcher and negotiator for an investment firm. The guy is phenomenal, but there’s no magic about it. Fun fact, he’s almost celibate because he thinks picking up women is unfair to them, as he can play anyone. I tell him the god of men will punish him for wasted potential ;)

I had bouts of sleep paralysis, and lucid dreaming since very young, to the point I had no words to describe what I was experiencing. But as far as i have researched both are very well documented since ancient times. I only spoke to friends about lucid dreaming when DiCaprio’s Inception came out, felt nobody would believe me otherwise.
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Aug 2, 2016
I'm familiar with the theory. It wouldn't surprise me to find that "something" akin to this is what underlies the constructs of reality. Absolutely, it can be stated that the Macro Universe we perceive is without a doubt an illusion of our minds. Mass/energy moves upon vibrating strings that exists in multiple dimensions. Obviously, a brain that was developed on the plains of Africa perceives these waves of energy in the forms we see and are familiar with and make up our shared experiences. I personally am persuaded by the concept that the 5 or 6 dimensions that make up the micro verse of reality project "holographically" the four dimensions that we are able to sense and interact with. Reflecting back to something @sablebrush52 's brother was involved in, information is stored in the micro verse or the quantum dimensions. This information is not impacted by time, meaning the past, present, and future all exists at the same moment (not a strange thought when one considers that a photon exists outside the time continuum). This has led many philosophers, (hopefully not the drug addled ones that our friend @Chasing Embers is averse to) to consider that all information is stored at the quantum level and therefore the essence of ones being, thoughts, and experiences is also stored at this level. Eternity is not out of the question. Again, it takes a certain level of faith to consider this mumbo jumbo, but I find the congruence between physics and religion to be something of a comfort. YMMV. Of course.
Interesting theorizing. But, I suspect no current, modern theory will ever be able to adequately explain the mysteries of the paranormal.
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Aug 2, 2016
Nothing personal, although an aunt of mine woke up in the middle on the night with the pressing thought her mother died, 10 minutes later the phone rang and her mother had indeed died. In another continent, old but healthy. I have 0 reason to not believe this story. No other remotely paranormal stories or any experience. I have had odd vibes but absolutely nothing that can’t be explained, no magic, ghosts or anything else. I always sift a situation for profit, find the profiteer and the “magic” is just a clever scam.

I am fascinated by “mind readers”, but consider them extremely intuitive and attentive people, most of the “mind reading” is educated guessing which can be impressive, but nobody has read my mind so far. I have a friend who is like that, trained as a psychologist and now makes a hell of a living as a pitcher and negotiator for an investment firm. The guy is phenomenal, but there’s no magic about it. Fun fact, he’s almost celibate because he thinks picking up women is unfair to them, as he can play anyone. I tell him the god of men will punish him for wasted potential ;)

I had bouts of sleep paralysis, and lucid dreaming since very young, to the point I had no words to describe what I was experiencing. But as far as i have researched both are very well documented since ancient times. I only spoke to friends about lucid dreaming when DiCaprio’s Inception came out, felt nobody would believe me otherwise.
1 would consider this a variation of an empath experience. There are many anecdotes of folks getting a sudden overwhelming feeling that a loved one has been hurt or died and later discovered that to be the case. 1 good example of a paranormal phenomenon that would not be amenable to scientific research.
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