The bronze goes to Sutliff 515 RC-1. This one was just downright nasty. I didn't have my hopes up or anything, but I know how popular this bulk offering is, and tried the sample I got. Instant regret! Probably only eked out a dozen puffs before emptying the chamber (I considered hiring a crew to perform an exorcism, but decided against it, mainly due to inclement weather), and loading up a bowl of Plum Pudding to get the icky taste out of my mouth.
Silver goes to C&D Autumn Evening. Similar situation to the above, not going into the experience expecting anything grand, but fall is my favorite season, and evening is my favorite time of day, so...okay, flimsy justification for trying a blend, but still, I felt I might enjoy it. Wrong! Tasted like I was sucking on the tailpipe of a city bus. I don't know how anyone can smoke this blend and not end up spending the rest of their lives in a catatonic state, hooked up to a feeding tube and listening to the Korn discography on endless repeat.
And the winner is...Balkan Sobranie (current iteration). How completely...meh. It wasn't bad, just totally fell short of my expectations. A legitimate bonafide disappointment. Sutliff's Original Mix Match blows this money-waster out of the water as far as I'm concerned.
Honorable mention: Peterson Nutty Cut. Or as I call it, Slutty C**t. Steer clear, friends!