I inventoried all of the "tinned" stuff, from 50 gram tins up to the 8 ounce cans. I got to the jarred/bulk stuff and decided to discontinue. What a pain in the ass it would be to separate them by blend, calculate the tare weight of the empty jar, scale each unit and do all of the associate math to find totals.
Bravo on the stash. Not sure I’ll go that high in quantity - but, who knows. I’m sitting on just over 20 lbs at the moment with only a few blends measuring in pounds.
I did want to mention, perhaps a nerd moment for the day, 8 oz Ball Mason jars with lids weigh 6.8 oz +\- .1oz; and 16 oz Ball/Mason jars weight 9.1 oz +\- .1 oz. They’re very consistent which one would expect from modern manufacturing. I share this as it might help with some of your blends in these size jars if you want to know what you’ve got.
I don’t mind the jars, but only use these two sizes. 8oz jars contain 2oz tobacco each and 16 oz jars contain 4oz each - and yes, I weigh each one when loading. Now, for the stored jars I can simply do a quick count and know what I’ve got. Perhaps it seems anal, but it works for me. I only jar bulk…or once I open a tin…seems like a waste of time to crack every tin and jar it…not to mention the chances of being scolded for ruining the best chances for the aging process ?.