The First Ever "State Of The Cellar" Report

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Jun 6, 2017
I picked up a pipe and joined this forum just over four years ago. I was already aware of the FDA "Deeming" regs, as I came here from a vaping forum, so I knew right away that cellar building was a high priority.

Since then, I've been acquiring tobacco and filling every crevice of my home. My guidelines have been to get non-aromatics, get a decent cost per ounce and prepare myself for the eventual collapse of the tobacco trade.

My purpose for this post is not to show off (well, maybe just a bit), but mainly to demonstrate to newer persons what can be done in a short period of time. Also, this will act as a sort of benchmark for myself and may even come in handy if ever I suffer a theft or fire.

I consider myself "done" acquiring what I NEED and now consider new acquisitions more as "wants". There are certainly much larger and smaller "cellars". So look on this as a "middle of the road" outcome.

I inventoried all of the "tinned" stuff, from 50 gram tins up to the 8 ounce cans. I got to the jarred/bulk stuff and decided to discontinue. What a pain in the ass it would be to separate them by blend, calculate the tare weight of the empty jar, scale each unit and do all of the associate math to find totals.

By my calculations, there are 90 pounds in sealed tins and I estimate (quite conservatively) another 30 pounds in all of the jarred stuff.

My philosophy is that I very much enjoy almost all "non-aromatics" and I tried to stick to at least mid-shelf or better producers. My cellar is much broader than deep, although there are several well represented blends in the bulk jars (ie-ODF).

I have no doubt that I could unload this whole mess tomorrow or in decades and not lose a dime. Combining sales, free shipping thresholds and trying to beat @ben88 to the good forum trades have put me in a position of "leverage". Realistically, though, this is for my personal consumtion

If a lazy and underfunded bum like me can make a respectable cellar in 4 years, you, my "noob" friends, have no excuse. Every house is built one brick at a time.

And now, because "this thread is worthless without pics", I offer the graphics.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 18, 2019