Watching the pleasure on a smoker's face today as he inhaled, I thought to myself that smoking is not going to pack up and go away, no matter how persecuted or delimited. The oral gratification, most notably taste, is substantial, as is the pleasure for pipe and cigar smokers of sucking and manipulating the smoke both in the mouth and on the exhale; and for cigarette smokers welcoming the sear in the lungs and involving the breath.
They may cut the numbers of smokers by half or more, but the pleasure of the act will outweigh the contraries. There's always going to be cigarette smokers whose skin crawls for that next butt, and pipe and cigar smokers finding an hour a day for solitary pleasure.
They may cut the numbers of smokers by half or more, but the pleasure of the act will outweigh the contraries. There's always going to be cigarette smokers whose skin crawls for that next butt, and pipe and cigar smokers finding an hour a day for solitary pleasure.