The Canadian Edition Box Pass- Round 2

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 7, 2014
I just emailed Derrick personally and he asked to give him 48 hours to check as he is now in Wasaga Beach.



Dec 21, 2012
That's good news, I met him in person a while back and he didn't seem the type to run off with the box but its nice to get reassurance. Thanks Bill for contacting Derrick, And Derrick no worries as long as its there take what you want and ship it out, its all good brother.



Feb 6, 2013
Thanks Bill for contacting Derrick, And Derrick no worries as long as its there take what you want and ship it out, its all good brother.
Exactly this. C'mon back, pal. Stuff happens, it's the things that happen after that matters.
-- Pat



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 7, 2014
Okay guys I got an update email from Derrick this morning. He is been in Wasaga Beach for a while now but has found the package in Mississauga. He said he will be picking it up this weekend and sending it right out. I told him to get back on here and shit happens.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 7, 2014
Okay guys....I have emailed him twice now since he said he would pick it up and mail it out. There has been no answer back and I hate to say it, but I think the box is gone. I won't say how I feel about people that pull this crap but....



Feb 6, 2013
I just reached out by text. I'll next reach out by phone. I'll then consider the attempts to bring him back to the fold well and truly done.
I'll start up a new box. Sign up list to Ghost by PM please. Same rules as before, with one addendum: Before sending the box on to the next person on the list, the Passer will confirm that the Passee is available to receive the box and able to pay for the box's shipping. Failure to reply to PM or email, will mean that the passee gets skipped.
-- Pat



Oct 10, 2013
I'm really sorry to see this happen to you folks. We've lost boxes on the US side of the border, too, and it sux. I hope that the box surfaces, safe and sound.



Can't Leave
Apr 12, 2013
I don't think it's the ability to pay for shipping, or even if they are available to receive the box. I think the main problem here is the need to understand that it effects everyone else down the line, and you should be responsible enough to send it out after you're done with it. This is a shame, because the box was SO FULL with so many amazing tobaccos and pipes. I think we need to re-examine the sign up process/screening of who gets the box pass in the future. I don't know who vouched for Derrick, or whether he just passed the 100 post minimum to qualify, but it is a shame and that the person after him is not getting his share of the pass, especially since everyone contributes so generously and for Pat, Ghost, and Smokey...their time and effort should be respected at the very least.

Box passes in the US get so large and so much variety, it is precious that we have a Canadian pass, and if we can't handle 15-20 guys on the list, the future doesn't look so bright.



Mar 1, 2013
I feel for you guys. I was second in line for our box poss when it mysteriously disappeared. Romeowood started one on his own and I tried to fill it up as to prime the pump. We have basically instituted that the person with the box HAS to communicate by PM to the next person in line AND basically post on the thread that they have spoke. While not a rule, we have seen that the sender posts "Sent PM to sendee to see if they are ready", and then the sendee will say either "I am SOOO ready send it on" OR we had an awesome experience where the sendee stated "I will be away on business, please skip me this time and put me down the line". This process seems to be working. Will it stop some schmuck from taking the box? No, but I have noticed that most of the folks on here have been on for more than a year and more than 750 posts, which gives me confidence that the box will live on. I wish my SOB's (Siblings of the Briar) from the north the best.



Oct 10, 2013
"I think the main problem here is the need to understand that it effects everyone else down the line, and you should be responsible enough to send it out after you're done with it"
That, my friend, is wishful thinking, and has already failed. The only way to reduce the likelihood of someone not returning the box is to require participants to be active members of the forum discussion, and to demonstrate personal responsibility, like showing up and answering email when your name is called. They have to have some skin in the game, even if it is just their online reputation. (The US Box Pass admins also take phone numbers..we've had to call people and nudge...).
In my experience, most incidents like the loss of a box, are not willful acts of theft. They are the result of someone getting overwhelmed by life. If a person is prone to being overwhelmed, why not try and screen them out prior to the deal by making them jump through some hoops, and actively engage with other members? In other words, require of them more than they can handle BEFORE you vest in them the responsibility for something of value?
Again, the people who go AWOL are almost always "good" people with no bad intent. They just get overwhelmed, then embarrassed to admit it because, frankly, this has been happening a lot to them, maybe for their whole life, and it pisses them off, too. We've all been there, to one degree or another. Screaming bloody murder at them just reduces the possibility that you will ever see the box again. I won't get into the psychology of that.
So, if you have The Box, remember that we all still love you. Shit happens. Just pop it into the mail, and we'll sing your praises once again.



Can't Leave
Apr 12, 2013
It is just a box of tobacco...agreed... however, after numerous e-mails, calls and nudges, neglect becomes an act of theft does it not?

Vetting through numbers of posts and interaction doesn't necessarily garner better results either. I get the fact we all have bad positions in our life, but if that's the case, then members shouldn't ask to be in on the pass to begin with. I hope everything is fine with Derrick, however, not responding is a bit disrespectful, especially after all of the attempts made by members. Just my opinion.



Feb 6, 2013
Update - SUCCESS! I just had a chat with Derrick. We've arranged to meet on Friday so I can collect the box. I'll check dryness levels, subtract and add, and send it on its merry way.
I get frustration, and disappointment with people, and disenfranchisement with the pass when stuff like this happens. But I don't get angry. Pipes and tobacco exist in my life to bring fun, engagement with new and interesting people and to provide respite. I'm with Woodsroad, stuff happens, life gets cluttered, and mistakes happen. If the worst result possible is that we have to restart a box, I'm good with that.
I humbly suggest that we implement our American cousins' policy of communicating all receipts and ships of the box in this thread. If the passer posts that he's ready to pass the box in this thread, and there is no respond within 2 days from the recipient, then they get skipped and the box moves down the list.
-- Pat

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