The Brotherhood Of Pipe Smoking

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Oct 7, 2017
La Belle Province, Canada
I'm not a public smoker. I save my smokes for the days end with my dogs on the porch or something similar. Others like me probably pass me in the street every day without my knowledge. I can't remember when I last smelled a lingering odor from a passing pipe smoker. :(



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
I used to mess with our security at work by going in with an extinguished pipe or an empty one. Always funny to watch them scramble about. I actually got quite a few compliments when walking in with a pipe. Though one security fellow did stop me to inquire about which tobacco I was smoking. His roommate smoked a pipe.



Might Stick Around
May 15, 2015
Phoenix, AZ
I have not seen another pipe smoker in public since I was a kid....some time ago (at least in my mind). Only see them when I go to a few select tobacco stores. I usually tuck a Bic away in luggage I check, otherwise get a cheap lighter at my destination. I will be traveling soon, so may try my luck with a Bic in my pocket.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 10, 2018
New Zealand
Doing a business trip around the USA this past week after the 12 hour flight from New Zealand. Then up to Canada for a week. Spent the first 5 days in Washington DC. Now in Portland OR for a couple of days (luggage stuck in Chicago!). Met a fellow pipe smoker in the wild outside the Washington Hilton right where Regan was shot.
You guys have a great country. So diverse. Always a pleasure to visit. People are friendly, polite and interested.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 21, 2018
Northern Ireland
Glad to hear you were able to get a smoke. Most cruise liners are gradually banning smoking. We always book a balcony cabin on P&O because the wife can't walk far and she could smoke there. Now they fine you if you smoke.



Dec 14, 2015
Perfect hack. I have a couple dozen bic type disposable lighters that have an adjustable "nozzle" for pipe lighting. I get them at either Iwan Reis or LJ Peretti, never remember which. They are perfect for traveling, boating, or leaving on the front porch table.



May 12, 2015
Carmel Valley, CA
RE: Airline travel- It's against the rules of many airlines to put any butane in luggage. A lighter or two in carryon or pocket seems to be all right, unless a torch style. ( I guess because you terrorists would use it to cut through essential lines to disable flight controls, thus assuring everyone's death.....)



Part of the Furniture Now
Nov 17, 2017
I’d only seen a pipesmoker once out in public. He put his pipe in a front pocket before walking into a store. Later, I thought that I would have liked to say Hello and strike up a conversation about pipesmoking with him. But I was so shocked to see another pipe smoker, that I just stood there like a deer in a spotlight. - - - I was actually less shocked to see a young fellow open carrying a revolver in a belt holster while shopping at a pharmacy. (This is perfectly legal where I live, but very uncommon to see.) I did strike up a conversation about his revolver with him. Quite a pleasant fellow.



Jul 24, 2013
This original question has drifted all over the place. Anyway, while I keep a Bic for emergencies, I've discovered the Thunderbird butane insert for Zippo lighters. It allows me to enjoy the esthetics on my Zippo as well and effectively lighting the bowl.

I get interesting reactions when smoking in my parked car, waiting for the old lady to finish shopping. (I can't stand grocery shopping for physical and tempermental reasons.) The smoke drifts out the open window, and people--for some reason always black--cry out something like, "Mmm-ummm. That smell's great! Reminds me of my grandpa!" Now if I can just get a white girl to say something besides "Don't you know you're polluting the air?!" But consider this, people: we pipers have forums all over the place. Where are cigarette forums?
Sometime remind me what my failsafe girl magnet was--I wish I took more advantage of it when I was younger, but it doesn't relate to pipe smoking.

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