I'm not sure what your experiences have been with the Catholic university system in Canada, but in the US, this is completely false. Catholic educational institutions in the U.S. are numerous and diverse, but in general they are very much in the mainstream of higher education, and many U. S. Catholic institutions, such as the University of Notre Dame, are among the leading educational institutions, not just in the country but in the world. Many Catholic universities (but not all) have reputations which exceed the public institutions they compete with, and they have very little in common with the average bible college. I did not grow up Catholic, but I have worked a good portion of my career in Catholic situations, including at a university, and my father spent his 38 year career as an economics professor at a Catholic university (and he's an atheist!). You can identify many negatives about the state of Roman Catholicism in the world and the United States, but the education system is not one of them. Any indication that the Catholic education system, especially at the post secondary level, is somehow inferior or less-than is simply uninformed and erroneous.
Aaaaaand, as for the topic at hand, I haven't tried deliberately depriving myself of a blend, but I do occasionally take breaks from certain genres, usually after hitting them a little too hard for a bit, and whenever I come back to, say, Virginias after leaving them for a week or two they taste all the more sweet and bright. Palate fatigue is definitely a thing.