Back during my service, when I was down and occasionally called my father for a cheer up, he'd always finish the call with this joke:
An old man walk into a bar, takes a seat and immediately spots a young punk in a spiked leather jacket and ridiculously high rainbow colored mohawk hairdo. Naturally he stares.
After a few moments the punk catches his critical gaze and yells over "what the heck you lookin' at geezer?"
The older man drops his gaze and shakes his head apologetically.
But curiosity got the better part of him and he went back to staring intently.
The punk notices and is far less patient as he strides forward, violently knocking over a table on the way. He grabs the older man and lifts him from the collar, yelling "WHY the F*** ARE YOU LOOKING AT ME!!??".
Finally the old man succumbs and says "Many years ago I was captured outside Saigon. Them were very hard days, all alone... And one night, out of sheer desperation, I f***ed a parrot, and I was wondering if maybe you're my son?".