Okay, here's a bad-dad joke:
A man went to a fortune teller and sat down in front of the crystal ball. She peered deeply into the orb and said, "I see wonderful things for you, wealth, happiness in love, beautiful children, and a long life." And the man wheeled back and slapped her. She recovered and backed off and said, "Why ever would you do that?" And the man said, "My old mother told me to always strike a happy medium."
My dad also like to ask me if I thought I'd ever amount to anything. I don't think I answered, but I may have scowled, if kids can scowl. Also, he used to like to say of me and others, "He's a good kid when he's asleep." But mostly he was pretty affirming, was able to put all three kids through college, and I was sufficiently impressed to put myself through a grad program on GI Bill.