I'm not sure hysteria is the correct word. There is a lot of money being carefully and logically applied to sway opinions. Professional politicians do not "do" hysteria. They check the wind, continuously and often, before deciding on a position and when to change positions. The preponderance of evidence, real and imagined, shows how carefully managed the effort against smoking is. No one, in the organized smoking opposition, is calling for tobacco products to be banned, the tax levels are carefully chosen so as not to kill the "golden goose." The tobacco industry is carefully managing their approach to maximize profits and reach other markets. No, the only hysterics I see are the fringe antis and many of the adversely impacted, the smokers.
The tobacco manufacturers are pragmatic and understand and accept the need to adjust without totally surrendering. Government wants and needs the moneys we smokers give them. To see hysteria where only carefully crafted ad campaigns, political pressures, etc. are being used is to sadly underestimate the "anti-smoking" campaigners.
The anti-smoking lobbies have attorneys well versed in the laws and the founding documents, unlimited moneys, and the assistance of many "well meaning" nanny types. Smokers have none of the weapons and are pretty much dependent on letter writing, venting and, fully dependent on the tobacco lobby to mitigate the damage to their business so as to continue to provide product, what in the west, is a shrinking market. Third world countries are where the market is going. There the education and poverty levels make tobacco attractive. In the West? Tobacco is taking a battering and losing ground.
By and large, I think not having seen any relevant studies, smoking is becoming the refuge of people lower on the economic totem pole and, most likely, lacking a college education. Again, this opinion is based strictly on personal observation, anecdotal evidence and poor evidence at that. 'Tis a far cry from the days in which smoking was almost strictly a diversion of the rich and titled.
Hysteria? Hardly!