Don't forget me! I'm burning the midnight oil too (well, it's 2:09am here as I type this). Getting ready to load some American Patriot in a Missouri Meerschaum. ::
1:20am here in the PDT ...
topd, andystewart, kanaka95, marpipe, drennan, tabriar and I are in the house ... not only is that better attendance at this hour of the day, participation in the After Midnite Club has never been better than it has lately, though I don't think it's the midnite oil that we're burning, it's top-notch tobacco ...
12:05 Monday. Ill sleep in a bit before start of night shift tomorrow.
20 hrs since last post above. Did I sleep on duty here while I was the lone watchman. Shhh.... ZZZzzzz~~~
I have a night and a day job thankfully not all in the same 24hours. My main ft job is night shift. Its become my main focus seeing as i got a promo and now in charge of the whole site i work at and make my own shifts. Itll be nice to have off this weekend, my first in yearsssss.
As soon as my order of berry cobbler comes in ill be a happy camper at work. Who says you can have snacks and not gain any calories.
3:20AM checking in. John Bull with a generous portion of Blending Latakia. Both dried under a 100 watt halogen for 15 minutes. Nice clouds of nose burners. Scraped off the varnish/shellac of my Yellow Bole Canadian. Looking to see how the shank repair went. The stem is a tiny bit loose. Maybe some nail polish on the tenon. Hmmm ...puff puff
I think you will find that a good quality aromatic pipe tobacco will blow away those cheap flavored cigars :D
If you want a good, sweet-ish, real cigar... check a CVS or Walgreens for Parodi cigars. They're natural maduro leaf cigars, manufactored in Scranton PA (also where Zippos are made, and the location of Dunder Mifflin's office from "The Office.") The Parodi cigars are dry on purpose - unlike most real cigars, they don't require a special humidor box. I like them for cheap, sweet cigars that are real... not homogenized tobacco bits with flavoring sprayed on.
Thanks ravenwolf, lol didnt know we were neighbors. Ill be in need of a cigar for when my baby comes to celebrate. Call me old fashion but i like the idea of asking the father of my lady blessing and having a cigar tucked in my shirt pocket as i wait for the baby to pop out.
Hawken the place at 3:07AM Central. Puffn on the homemade "Churchy". Tobacco from the misc throw-it-in-there jar with a tweak of Blending Latakia for good measure.
Novicemaker, are we neighbors? Can't find any location data for you...
Congratulations on the baby coming! Nothin' wrong with being a bit old fashioned at times, and definetly nothin' wrong with wanting a cigar. Might want to upgrade from Parodis for such an occasion, lol. Plenty of good places online to check out - someone posted a Groupon deal for BnB ("Half Price Tobacco" post) and they carry quite a few cigars.