I am here. Getting ready to fire up some Stokkebye LBF in a Peterson 106 blasted Kildare. The Longest Day is on the tube and the dogs and I are hanging out.
Just checking in. Am recording Longest Day, poured another glass of Snake River Stampede Canadian, and lit up some Westminster. Glad to know I'm not the only late nighter...
Baron, I have a cd of the Cult's Electric that I've been carrying around for over 20 years. Used to play that one really loud! I think I'll get the headphones on and give it a spin.
Haha jameral. You just noticed? It took me an hour before I figured it out and then I laughed so hard the neighbors probably heard me.
Sonic Temple was the bomb!
I just got busted smoking in my hidey hole. The one other guy who has a key actually showed up at 20 til midnight and decided to use the roof! I'd be in serious shit, except he was coming up there to smoke cigarettes. Maybe I can convert him to pipes. I'm sure he's sick of paying for cigs.
It was kind of funny. I hear a male voice so I shut off my phone and say what the hell? Then around the corner he comes with a cig in hand talking on his phone. I've got a pipe sticking out of my mouth and there we are looking at each other. He has some troubles at home so I think he was expecting not to be seen. I finished my pipe and came back down and I haven't seen him. Pretty weird.