Maybe so. Maybe the week I made that observation was skewed, but it happened twice in a couple of days, and I'd seen it happen on other forums, too. I can't remember an instance of progressives on a pipe forum calling for a thread to be shut down because a conservative spoke up. Then again, I can't remember a political conversation between progressives on a pipe forum, pretty much ever!So, what I've learned is this: depending on your perspective, it seems like anyone can wax political and get away with it, provided they are on the opposite team. I'm going to fall back into my first trench: we all seem to take a lot of lumps around here.
As I said, I'm using the term Nazi for people who self-identify as such. You want to change it to fascist, white supremacist, neo-Nazi, or whatever, it doesn't matter. And sorry, but relativism does not work when it comes to Nazism! Are you serious about equating it "with any racial epithet or derogatory word"? Do you think saying "I hate Nazis" is the equivalent of saying "I hate Jews"? I'm "bigoted and full of hate" because I think Nazis are bad? Just wow. :crazy:I am not defending anyone, just wondering how you can you use an example of someone seeing the good in everyone as being bad. You could replace NAZI with any racial epithet or derogatory word and it wouldn't be any different. What you are saying is bigoted and full of hate. Which is what I thought you were pretending to better than. You represent a classic example of the pot calling the kettle black.
By the way NAZI was a political party that no longer exists, but the socialists of the past are trying to make a comeback, which is why we need to preserve personal liberty and the rights of the individual to be more sacrosanct than the rights of the state. We cannot let one group that thinks another group is wholly bad dominate the nation. And it is why we have a Constitution to protect the minority from the majority.
True, but there have also recently been a number of protests where people were prominently displaying the Hammer & Sickle...but it's interesting that little or nothing ever seems to be said about that.To them it's not an insult, which is why you see them wearing Nazi regalia at their rallies, doing the sieg heil salute etc.
Well, there are rules of etiquette now, and I don't remember what they were a couple of years ago when this happened. In any event, water over the dam. Just worth remembering.sablebrush52 - sad and disappointed to hear that. Isn't there something in the site rules about racism, hate speech etc.? If not, there should be.