When using an abbreviation, it's really helpful to others to have used the full name first. -added October 6, 2021, by jpm.
Here are some abbreviations that are commonly used on pipe forums.
965 - Dunhill My Mixture 965
1792 - SG 1792 Flake
5100 - McClelland's 5100
BBF - SG Best Brown Flake
BC - Butz-Choquin Pipes
BCF - GH Bob's Choc Flake
BFP – C&D Baileys Front Porch
B&M - Brick and Mortar, i.e. an actual tobacco store, rather than an online shop.
CAO – A Brand of Meerschaum Pipes
C&D - Cornell & Diehl Tobacco Company
CH - Carter Hall Tobacco (An OTC)
DBE - GH Dark Bird's Eye
DGT - Delayed Gratification Technique
DH - Dunhill
DLF - Dunhill Light Flake
DLNR - Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls
EMP - Dunhill Early Morning Pipe
ERR - Edgeworth Ready Rubbed- sometimes ERRd
FM - McClelland Frog Morton
FMOTB - McClelland Frog Morton On The Bayou.
FMOTT - McClelland Frog Morton On The Town.
FVF - SG Full Virginia Flake
GH or G&H - Gawith & Hoggarth Tobacco Company
GLP - G.L. Pease Tobacco
HB – C&D Haunted Bookshop
HCA - Hans Christian Anderson, a line of pipes made by Stanwell Pipes
H&H - Hearth & Home (Pipesandcigars.com House Blend)
HOTW - Rattray's Hal o' the Wind
HOW - House of Windsor
IPSD - International Pipe Smoking Day
KW – Kaywoodie Pipes
LBF or PSLBF - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bulls Eye Flake
LNF or PSLNF - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake
LTF or PSLTF - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake
McB – Mac Baren Tobacco Co.
McC - McClelland Tobacco Co.
MM - Missouri Meerschaum Corncob Pipe
NAC - North American Carvers (Pipe Makers from North America)
OG - Rattray's Old Gowrie
OGS – Orliks Golden Sliced
OJK – C&D Old Joe Krantz
OTC - Over the Counter (i.e. Drugstore Tobacco Blends)
PA - Prince Albert Tobacco (An OTC)
PAD - Pipe Acquisition Disorder
PS - Peter Stokkebye
P&W or PW - Pipeworks & Wilke
SG - Samuel Gawith Tobacco Co.
SL – SG Squadron Leader
SMS – A Brand of Meerschaum Pipes
SMM - Dunhill Standard Mixture Medium
SWR - Sir Walter Raleigh (An OTC)
TAD - Tobacco Acquisition Disorder
YMMV - Your mileage may vary.
You can find out more useful information and definitions here - The Yellow Lemon Shop - http://www.tobaccopipesdictionary.com/
Here are some abbreviations that are commonly used on pipe forums.
965 - Dunhill My Mixture 965
1792 - SG 1792 Flake
5100 - McClelland's 5100
BBF - SG Best Brown Flake
BC - Butz-Choquin Pipes
BCF - GH Bob's Choc Flake
BFP – C&D Baileys Front Porch
B&M - Brick and Mortar, i.e. an actual tobacco store, rather than an online shop.
CAO – A Brand of Meerschaum Pipes
C&D - Cornell & Diehl Tobacco Company
CH - Carter Hall Tobacco (An OTC)
DBE - GH Dark Bird's Eye
DGT - Delayed Gratification Technique
DH - Dunhill
DLF - Dunhill Light Flake
DLNR - Dunhill Deluxe Navy Rolls
EMP - Dunhill Early Morning Pipe
ERR - Edgeworth Ready Rubbed- sometimes ERRd
FM - McClelland Frog Morton
FMOTB - McClelland Frog Morton On The Bayou.
FMOTT - McClelland Frog Morton On The Town.
FVF - SG Full Virginia Flake
GH or G&H - Gawith & Hoggarth Tobacco Company
GLP - G.L. Pease Tobacco
HB – C&D Haunted Bookshop
HCA - Hans Christian Anderson, a line of pipes made by Stanwell Pipes
H&H - Hearth & Home (Pipesandcigars.com House Blend)
HOTW - Rattray's Hal o' the Wind
HOW - House of Windsor
IPSD - International Pipe Smoking Day
KW – Kaywoodie Pipes
LBF or PSLBF - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bulls Eye Flake
LNF or PSLNF - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Navy Flake
LTF or PSLTF - Peter Stokkebye Luxury Twist Flake
McB – Mac Baren Tobacco Co.
McC - McClelland Tobacco Co.
MM - Missouri Meerschaum Corncob Pipe
NAC - North American Carvers (Pipe Makers from North America)
OG - Rattray's Old Gowrie
OGS – Orliks Golden Sliced
OJK – C&D Old Joe Krantz
OTC - Over the Counter (i.e. Drugstore Tobacco Blends)
PA - Prince Albert Tobacco (An OTC)
PAD - Pipe Acquisition Disorder
PS - Peter Stokkebye
P&W or PW - Pipeworks & Wilke
SG - Samuel Gawith Tobacco Co.
SL – SG Squadron Leader
SMS – A Brand of Meerschaum Pipes
SMM - Dunhill Standard Mixture Medium
SWR - Sir Walter Raleigh (An OTC)
TAD - Tobacco Acquisition Disorder
YMMV - Your mileage may vary.
You can find out more useful information and definitions here - The Yellow Lemon Shop - http://www.tobaccopipesdictionary.com/
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