My rotation (I won't call it a collection) stays at around 20 or 30 pipes. My PAD affliction is that I'm always changing my mind. It started with factory pipes, Savinelli, Peterson, Icarus, etc. So the little devil on my shoulder says "You need to upgrade to fewer, but better pipes". Enter Castello, Sasieni, Comoy's, etc. Then he whispers "You have to baby these too much. You need some cheaper pipes you can abuse". On to Stanwell. But I couldn't bring myself to abuse them. They got babied as much as the higher grades. Then came my foray into artisan pipes... Jesse Jones, Mark Tinsky, Craig Cooper, etc. The little devil, never satisfied, then says to me "You don't like big pipes. You need to sell them and get some smaller ones". Okay, so I did. Just last week he comes with " All these pipes, but you haven't found any you love as much as that 1/8 Bent Brandy Jesse made for you. I think that's your perfect pipe!". So Jesse Jones is now making it's twin. Not identical, it will be darker completed than the tan blast. It never ends with me, it only changes. Hundreds of pipes pass through my hands, but the total stays about the same.