I love to smoke my pipes. I love every last bit of a smoke so as you might guess my teeth do the job for me. My jaw locks in place and don't bother me for an hour or more. The good part about clenching (with a rubber bit cushion of course)is that free hands can keyboard while the smoke is enjoyed. The bad news is that sometimes I forget I'm smoking and realize it when the pipe is suddenly out. Where'd the hour go?
I smoke a bent pipe when up and about. Oom Pauls are great around the house. When I'm relaxed in a recliner it's definitely a straight stem. A horizontal chest and a vertical pipe are not a good fit.
What is your smoking style? Is clenching mainstream?
I smoke a bent pipe when up and about. Oom Pauls are great around the house. When I'm relaxed in a recliner it's definitely a straight stem. A horizontal chest and a vertical pipe are not a good fit.
What is your smoking style? Is clenching mainstream?