Well, I am a percussionist. My focus is Jazz Vibraphone and Drum Kit. I also hold a degree in music education. Although I am applying for graduate school in jazz studies for next year, I needed to work this year between undergrad and grad school. Fate works out that my sister, another music teacher, is about to have a child and is taking the rest of the year for maternity leave....in walks me. And the job pays 210% what I was getting the last few months at the liquor store I worked at after moving home from school. Unfortunately, I'm not a teacher at heart. I'm a musician who likes to perform and share my music. I would like to get my phd after grad school and teach at a university, where the students are also investing their lives in music, a setting I can actually enjoy. But alas, here I sit on lunch for day one at this elementary school, thinking about my time ahead for the next seven months. And I must say, although at an elementary school with such small children, this shouldn't be in place and therefore wouldn't immediately help me, oh I wish I wish that one day as a college professor of percussion I can sit and teach while smoking a pipe!!!!