I've smoked it off and on for 36 years. They changed the formula from the '80s, '90s version a little, but it's a very pleasant smoke. I used to occasionally get a catch in my throat when I smoked it. That doesn't happen anymore. Even still, I highly recommend it. I should. I have nine tubs of it.
Here's my review of it:
The moderately molasses sweet, nutty, woody, fairly chocolately, earthy, spicy, slightly bitter burleys take the lead over the grassy, tart and tangy citrusy, rather hay-like, slightly floral Virginias. The Dutch and French liqueur toppings are difficult to define (I notice anise, hazelnut and chocolate), and while they tone down the tobaccos, they also work well in concert with them to provide a very consistent flavor from start to finish. The strength and nic-hit levels are in the center of mild to medium. The taste level is a little closer to medium than it is to mild. It might burn a little warm if you are a very fast puffer so I suggest a moderate cadence. I have never experienced tongue bite from it. It does burn at slightly more than an average pace, but even and clean with few relights, and just a little dampness left in the bowl. Has a very pleasant, lightly lingering after taste, and room note. Performs well in repeat performances, and is an all day smoke. It won't ghost your pipe. And, btw, when you open a tub of it for the first time, the smell is wonderful!
Edit 6-28-2020: I have smoked this blend off and on since the mid-80s. About ten years or so ago, I noticed the chocolate flavor was a little stronger than it had been in all the previous years I had smoked it, and the tobacco is a hair less obvious than it used to be as a result. I also observe that it's a tad more spicy, and I am being to suspect there's a pinch of dark fired in the mix. It's still a four star blend, but I thought I'd note the change for the historical record.