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Zak Halfway

Feb 4, 2024
Evening all,

Just turned 34, Smoked roll ups up until now and feel it's time to finally grow up properly and get my first real pipe( not the Gandalf one I got for Christmas a few years back), however after much research and deliberation it seems impossible to find "The One" and so I've had to order three!

I'll upload pics and reveal once they arrive, until then it would be interesting to hear what your choice of the perfect three would be?


Part of the Furniture Now
Jun 8, 2023
Welcome from London. I've only been at it five years, so don't feel qualified to give you a top three. There are many experienced pipe men here who will though. Enjoy :)

Zak Halfway

Feb 4, 2024
Thanks for the warm welcomes from everyone!

You are halfway to me, you 34, me 68, but welcome from Northamptonshire, England, if you want help just message me, been smoking pipes for over 50 years. puffy
Crikey! 50years! I'm sure I will have to message you at some point along this journey. In fact I was wandering if it's just an old wives tale about putting in potato skin with tobacco to keep it fresh?

Welcome from Alabama. My choice of the three will be of little concern to you.the right pipe will reveal itself as you smoke them.
Why thank you Forest!
I'm not overly concerned only interested; in the same sense one might ask another's favorite ice cream flavour.

Hello & welcome from a fellow Englishman - and a fairly new pipe smoker too 🫡🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 :sher:
View attachment 285533
Now now! Enough of the Gods own county m'larkey😉👍

Welcome from Virginia
Welcome from Richmond Virginia USView attachment 285371
Lucky bugger's! I suppose you just got to down the street corner and pick it fresh🤔

I appologise if my southern English sarcasm might offend, it's just I like to stir the pot a bit.


Part of the Furniture Now
Apr 11, 2022
Norwich, UK
Welcome from Norwich (but lived in London until a year and a half ago). My partner's parents live in Surrey.

What tobaccos did you smoke when you smoked rollies? I smoked cigars, cigarettes and pipes, but now mostly stick to pipes.

My grandad also gave me the advice about potato peel - don't do it! Very likely to introduce mould.

If you get into London regularly, worth having a look at some of the tobacconists there - especially J J Fox.

Zak Halfway

Feb 4, 2024
Welcome from Norwich (but lived in London until a year and a half ago). My partner's parents live in Surrey.

What tobaccos did you smoke when you smoked rollies? I smoked cigars, cigarettes and pipes, but now mostly stick to pipes.

My grandad also gave me the advice about potato peel - don't do it! Very likely to introduce mould.

If you get into London regularly, worth having a look at some of the tobacconists there - especially J J Fox.
I liked to smoke Cutters choice or Amber leaf, basically any "blonde Tobacco" and could never really get on with the darker stuff. I also enjoy a cigar now and then mainly at Christmas or some other special occasion.

I'm sure it was my old late grandad that told me about the potato peel, I've just never had a tobacco last long enough to put it the test.

And thanks for the recommendation on the tobacconist, it's difficult to find any these days as most high streets only cater for the vape crowd 😔

Zak Halfway

Feb 4, 2024
Welcome from W NY USA I like rollups name better than Cigs.
Over here we call the Pre rolled "cigarettes" or "Fags" and if you buy a pouch of baccy to roll up yourself we call it a rollie.

I never really liked Cigarettes as they always tasted too bleached or chemically! Plus way too expensive.

Mind you even pouches of rolling tobacco have become almost extortionately overpriced, I used to buy a 12.5g box for almost £2.50 back when I was 18 which now would cost me nearly £18 for a 30g pouch.


Sep 1, 2021
Eastern panhandle, WV
Hello and welcome from West Virginia, USA. There are good pipes for their artistic value and good pipes for their functional value. You have to decide if you want a pipe that smokes well but may not impress the neighbors or a pipe that stands alone on just it's beauty. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to decide. I for one go for the functional pipe, and there are many of those out there for the picking.

Zak Halfway

Feb 4, 2024
Hello and welcome from West Virginia, USA. There are good pipes for their artistic value and good pipes for their functional value. You have to decide if you want a pipe that smokes well but may not impress the neighbors or a pipe that stands alone on just it's beauty. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to decide. I for one go for the functional pipe, and there are many of those out there for the picking.
Thanks for the advice, I'd say I value function over impressing the neighbours. After all I smoke for myself and by myself, something to relax with at the end of the day.

I've ordered two briars in different shapes and one basic straight cob to get going with. There's just so many beautiful pipes to choose from! I'm sure I'll end up with many many more.
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