I haven't smoked Sun Bear in a long time, but I have a few tins of I think the 2021 and the 2022 Sun Bear. I thought the 2021 was good, and had a bit of a graham-cracker taste. But I tried a tin of that after it had aged for about a year, and the flavor from the honey SEEMED to be much less than when fresh.
I know this is probably pretty obvious, but have others aged Sun Bear and also found the flavor to have decreased with time? How was it after a few years? I don't buy many aromatics or tobaccos with noticeable added toppings or casings (I never understood the difference between toppings and casings), but I know the conventional wisdom is that those tobaccos don't age particularly well, but I was still hoping aging this stuff might yield good results. Is this bear climbing up the wrong tree?