While the beauty of the pipe is in the eye of the beholder, i say try one one and you may be hooked. Over the years i have migrated from very large pipes to a point now where i almost exclusively smoke stubby/chubby pipes. The Castello 10 and the Radice equivalent are both great examples of how a full size pipe can be rendered in a pocket size frame. Both smoke great and, to my eye, are rugged little gems of beauty. While it seems to me that the Castello wood is better(and certainly a lot more expensive) that the Radice stem work is much better. Radice now even produces some chubby pipes with colorful ebonite stems which are incredibly well done and are easy to clench. The narrowing of the stem to the bit important in the chubby pipes (they are short not small or dainty) and, as a prior poster pointed out , if not done correctly it can be a real nuisance. One other word of caution, two ounces is the absolute max on these pipes. For me, it has to be lower than two ounces. A chubby pipe between 4.45 and 4.85 in length with a weight in the 1.60 to 1.85 ounce, preferably with an uncoated bowl is, for me, the perfect pipe.