Straight economics, man, nothing cheaper than free. And what could beat a cigarette butt lying in the gutter, handful of those rubbed out and you're in business.
We should listen to economists more often on everything. My favorite is Thomas Sowell, a national treasure.An economist would tell you that it's impossible to know what factors into someone's utility (i.e. value) that they get from pipe tobacco. If my favorite uncle smoked nothing but Lane 1-Q and I got an intense rush of nostalgia and happiness from smoking 1-Q, it might be the "best value for the money" for me.
If I loved the flavor of Ennerdale, and the smell of it made my wife want to make out with me, it would be the best value for the money for me.
I'm glad strong tobacco is the best value for you. But that in no way implies it's that way for everyone.
I like to think so, but Mrs. Hap would disagree...We should listen to economists more often on everything.
If you smoke a pipe for nicotine and pure tobacco flavour[…]
True, nuances of the language tend to fly over heads on forums. Some of us have mastered the English language, and some of us not do good English good.Ok, I’ll defend the OP from all the bizarre Econ 101 students, bringing up the lesson that value is subjective. Here’s what the OP said:
And then we learn from respondents that lots of people don’t just value tobacco by “nicotine and pure tobacco flavour.” Congratulations! The OPs post was that IF you do, then here’s a good value that he’s found. He’s already covered off the subjective value lesson in the first word of the first clause of the first sentence of the post.
But, we are like a Viking hoard. Sometimes, the mere mention of nicotine, and we’re all... “SHEILD WALL!!!”
We couldn’t even agree on a committee. The cob boys would complain that it cost too much. The Dunnie boys would demand a stipend. And, half the members would deny even being members. And, the sponsors would all pack their bags and leave in fear that it would be discovered that our combined IQ would deem us a Title 1 forum, qualified for special services.We could create a committee to investigate the groupthink, but it would unanimously declare that there was no groupthink.
Years ago I lived in a crappy apartment and there was a sign by the grassy area next to the parking lot that said "no paking". I went to the library and looked up "pak" in the unabridged Oxford. It turns out, a pak is, in Hong Kong English, a car which has been stolen and resold.Dictionary is best book to read. It’s cheap and has all the words.