Well first off, it's really important to remember that stress is normal in adverse conditions. If you're feeling Andy Griffith about any of this, stop what you're doing and seek immediate help. Something is wrong with you. Full stop. This isn't a normal, enjoyable or sustainable state of being, so naturally you ought to be stressing. Stress is a very important part of the human psyche and believe it or not, it plays a role in mental health. You see, stress is your body's way of telling you something is wrong, without having to wait for a pain receptor to fire. Quite literally your subconscious is telling you to do something about the situation, and unfortunately it's doing so in the only way it knows how.
So, stress is a good thing (as far as a warning system goes) but you need to deal with it. Well, first it's important to realize what I've stated above is true; stress is normal - you're not crazy you're just needing a change! - otherwise any attempt to relieve stress will most likely be met with more stress. Counter productive to say the least! An obvious solution is to remove yourself from the situation, but unless you're Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates, that's not happening. No luxury yachts or private resorts for us plebeian fools! Instead you need to create a space that can be your getaway. Sure the garage isn't as temperate as Fiji, but it's got a locking door, a radio and all my tools. Plus I can smoke in here! I'd go so far as to say my whole house is my getaway in that we don't suffer no covid-talk in here, but that rule is dependent on the cooperation of others. The sanctity of my garage relies solely on me coming in here to have a bowl, chill with my cat and putz around with tools. Which brings me to my second point.
Get a friend. No not some lame human, most of us still aren't "allowed" to have friends anymore, I'm talking a friendly feline. Dogs are great, but they require vast amounts of attention and training to not end up dumber than a sack of low IQ bricks. Sounds like more work, and if you fail you wind up with a barky, whiny, carpet ruining idiot who thinks chewing up your brand new shoes is a fun new game. I mean, you keep buying shoes, they must be for chewing, right? No, get a cat. Far less training, they know to be bad when you're not looking, and they're not utterly dependent on you for everything. As I type this novella I do so with an increasingly fat cat sitting on my lap, purring because the best thing he can think of right now is sleeping on me. He doesn't give a crap about coronavirus, vaccines or systemic racism. He wants two things from me; clean his litter box, feed hiK*sjnxmi334555555...
Okay so he also will knock the phone out of my hand if he decides he needs more ear scratches, but it's a small price to pay. I got this little devil June of last year and it was the best decision I made regarding this pandemic crap.
So, recap. Stress is normal, we are in a very stressful situation, don't kick yourself extra over being stressed about it. Find your happy place and defend it from all forms of covid crap. Garage, garden, a good fishing spot, whatever. Find yourself a furry feline friend. Even the stress they cause ends up being memorable and there is nothing better than waxing philosophical while smoking a bowl of Bijou in the garage with a nice warm happy cat on your lap.
Oh, and tea. Get that mother@#$&in' tea up in ya.