When you get it all set up, posts some pics of this with your pipes in it.
...received it a couple days ago. I thought I had ordered the 18-slot box which I posted above, but in fact I ordered the 16-slotter, apparently in the midst of a brain-fog. The 18-slot box cost more than twice as much as the 16, so my logic was intact, if not my memory.

It works for me perfectly. I don't love the fact that it has a glass top on it, but it doesn't really matter, because my pipes are in the basement against the North wall, so there's no direct sunlight. Otherwise, I'd probably block the inside of the lid with some black paper or felt, or just cover the topmost pipes to protect them better. Easy peasy.

The bottom drawer is a removable tray. The whole thing is solid enough, and obviously cheap (at under 50$). It's made from synthetic materials so it will be done off-gassing by 2035, and it smells faintly like Elmer's glue at the moment; but the smell isn't strong, and my pipes get rotated. I'm certainly not concerned about any off-smells transferring to my pipes. A handmade oak box would be better, obviously, but this will do for now. A wholly worthwhile purchase.

Pipes much longer than about 6.25" need to be broken down, but strategically double stacked, the case could fit 32+ easily. Mind you, I have a lot of small pipes, so YMMV. The Sandblasted Peterson Strand (on the right, second from the bottom, in the first pic below) is the chunkiest pipe I own.

My one long churchwarden is the only pipe that doesn't fit, even if I break it down.

I've been reorganising my part of the basement for the past 13 years.

So once I get the cabinet back on the wall:

...I'll have
more than enough room for my
COMPLETE collection...
...PAD be damned!