I'm kicking myself... that could have been interesting.Neither did I. Blackberry I believe it was.
Well..... waiting until Saint Patrick's Day to load up the new Pete didn't happen. Curiosity got the best of me and I loaded it up with some Old Toby. Being my first P-lip stemmed pipe, it is a bit of a learning curve figuring out the best place to place the bit for comfort and function. It's a bit weird, but I can't say I hate it, and I'm sure I'll get used to it. Also, I have read that some claim they get less flavor from the smoke because the smoke is directed toward the roof of your mouth as opposed to across the tongue. I actually was getting much more sweetness and flavor from an already sweet blend. Could have been the pipe itself, I suppose, but I wonder if it's because the smoke rises toward the roof of your mouth and then fans out and down and then across the tongue. All I know for certain is that I was indeed having a wonderfully flavorful smoke. I did have to relight a few times. This pipe will need some breaking in. But it still wasn't a terrible amount of relights. For the most part, I'm quite happy with this pipe. I bet it will be smoking like a champ in no time at all :