Yes, it does have that buttery quality to the smoke. It is not a heavy latakia blend and has more oriental content, which is more perfume like than the smokiness of the latakia . So if you have been smoking Va/Lat only blends, this will taste strange to you at first. Personally, it is a blend that I enjoy when I am in an English mood and find it similar to Dunhill London Mixture which would be my other go to English blend.
If you want to try more of a straight Va/Lat mix from Sam Gawith, try their Skiff Mixture - never mentioned as much as SL and slips under the radar, but is a nice latakia blend. For a real lat bomb, their Commonwealth Mixture contains 50% latakia!
If you want to try more of a straight Va/Lat mix from Sam Gawith, try their Skiff Mixture - never mentioned as much as SL and slips under the radar, but is a nice latakia blend. For a real lat bomb, their Commonwealth Mixture contains 50% latakia!