Well I love FVF. It is super tasty and delicious!I'm not sure Samuel Gawith has anything in their line exactly like what you might be wanting
And thank you for the English recommendations! I will have to surely check them out.
Well I love FVF. It is super tasty and delicious!I'm not sure Samuel Gawith has anything in their line exactly like what you might be wanting
So...you pretty much listed exactly why many people like it. There are a lot of people who don't really like a ton of latakia. There are a lot of people like me who LOVE latakia but don't always want to smoke lat bombs. You aren't missing anything. The "big deal" is exactly what you posted about it. It's easy to smoke and it tastes good. And to me SL isn't uninteresting either. It really wakes up in the right pipe or if you retro-hale/snork. It's got a really nice leathery note I haven't tasted on many other tobaccos.Sure it is really smooth and has a good tobacco flavor and burns well, but other than that I just found it very bland and the latakia super lacking. When it came to overall flavor, it was super mild to me. And the strength on the light side. It did have somewhat of a redeeming factor towards the end of the halfway point when some good tasting spices broke through though. But still...
That's a decision you won't regret sir! On the Bayou is probably my favorite blend thus far. Great spice and just enough latakia to make it interesting. I constantly have a supply of Bayou and Cellar on hand because they bounce back and forth as my go to blends.Eventually I'll move on to something else. I've got 4 ounces of Frog Morton's On the Bayou in my shopping cart at Pipes in Cigars. Many of the aficionados here seem to recommend that and I'm eager to give it a try
anglesey has nailed it in my opinion. I know it does not SEEM right, but in my experience with SL adequate drying was rewarded with a far better smoke.I think this benefits from a thorough drying before even looking at. I thnik if you smoke it too wet, i.e, right out the tin, then a lot of the flavour's simply lost in the moisture.
It does seem odd since it comes out of the tin in what I would consider the perfect humidity. I will leave some out in a tin and see what it does after a day or so. Maybe a lot of the other subtle notes people talk about will come out once it has some moisture out of it.anglesey has nailed it in my opinion. I know it does not SEEM right, but in my experience with SL adequate drying was rewarded with a far better smoke.