I've always found it interesting that, at least among me and my friends, the light English style is where there is the most divergence of opinion, on tobaccos that have basically the same components and in many cases the same proportions. While we have never smoked a Balkan we could not find something to like about, there are many light Englishes we curse mightily. I think it really has a lot to do with the individual blending houses style and the idiosyncrasies of everyone's palate.
I love Germain's King Charles, Lane LEO, Squadron Leader, all the Dunhills. So why do I find all of McClellands Orinetal (Green tin line) so tasteless, or why do I struggle to find the taste in Skiff? For that matter, why does my dearest friend gag at the mention of Squadron, but waxes eloquent about Skiff? It is not because either house uses inferior leaf, and I don't think there is enough difference in component proportion to be the answer.
Try a few more like LEO or King Charles or any of the myriad of other offereings. You will eventually find that "old friend" blend that you are always in the mood to smoke, the way SL is for so many.
I love Germain's King Charles, Lane LEO, Squadron Leader, all the Dunhills. So why do I find all of McClellands Orinetal (Green tin line) so tasteless, or why do I struggle to find the taste in Skiff? For that matter, why does my dearest friend gag at the mention of Squadron, but waxes eloquent about Skiff? It is not because either house uses inferior leaf, and I don't think there is enough difference in component proportion to be the answer.
Try a few more like LEO or King Charles or any of the myriad of other offereings. You will eventually find that "old friend" blend that you are always in the mood to smoke, the way SL is for so many.