Just too much sensationalizm and the obsession with the "winning at all costs" mentality that goes with it. People trying to get the attention of the media camera's shouting and shoving their fingers in the air with their false pride showing that "we're #1" Millions of childhoods, countless hours of practice, taken up with the promise of being a superstar, only to find out that either injury ( that you have to live with the rest of your adult life )or not making the team, ends it all in despair and depression because then you are mentally forever labeled a "loser" .
Then there are the rediculous salaries just to play a game. Like recently in the paper an article about a football kicker and he averaged 1 million dollars per kick that he made the last year. Or the complaints about how much it costs to attend a sporting event, like here in Charlotte at the NASCAR race where a ticket costs 80.00 to sit in the "chicken bones section" and then people have the ignorance to question why all their sponsors products cost more now...DUH...
Just like the incredibly wrong reasoning behind putting competitions in the Arts. Now a group of judges somehow determines that one musical performance is somehow better that the other, and once again, someone has to end up the loser. Been there, done that. Personal interpretation and presentation of a piece of music should not be judged. Feeling, communication with the audience, and the ability of the musician to captivate the listeners emotions and stir their soul is dismissed because they "missed" a note somewhere, so the other winner goes away with all the awards even though their performance was sterile and dead.
See...I told you I should have not posted on this thread.
Ya had to get me started....LOL