I'm arguing that we can reach an objective definition of anything, and we should.
This is where you lose me. No one should control the minds of people in this way. You want to tell me what besuty is, what love is? Why sir? You can try all you want, but my fervent reaction will be an all American flip of the middle finger in thy general dirrection. Art is no different. You pose to tell me that my concept of value should be controlled, or taylored to meet everyone else's values. That is absurd. I can think of no better way to kill creativity and inventiveness than to force a value on humanity.
Besides, after all of these pages you have posed no definition for art, while arguing us blue with why there should be one. And, once you tell me what art should be, please tell me what I should think beauty is, and love, and good, and bad.
You've hit the board all around the nail, never hitting the nail once, by bringing up style, meaning, and concepts, without even suggesting what art is.
Your counter to my suggestions have been misrepresnting what I've said. Never did I say that you can just "decide" what art is for youself, as if I can just wake up and say that anthills are art, or one day saying that I think that poney poots are art. I can no more just "decide" what art is for myself than I can wake up and decide that lawnmowers are going to herewith be what will give me an erection. I can not decide that love is going to be the same feeling as dehydration. Nope, that's ridiculous.
All I am suggesting is that you may be attracted to different features of women. Maybe blondes move you more than redheads, and me vica versa. Maybe I am attracted to intelligence in women. Maybe, I value hand built ceramics as an art, and you see no value in them. Maybe, I appreciate a whimsical absurdity in pipe designs enought to pay $600 for them, and maybe you only like styles that are catalogued by Dunhill. Maybe, I don't like paintibgs that attempt representations of reality, and only see abstraction as true art. I did not decide to see the world this way. Maybe I just do. Maybe, the world has molded me this way.
It amazes me how people can think the whole world has to agree with their world view. Impose some value on me. Force me or anyone to agree with their aesthetic, while they have no recollection of how their own world view came to be.
Nope, give me freedom, liberty, and American values, subjective values. Anything else is un-American, anti-freedom, ANTI-liberty.
I will define art by what moves me according to my aesthetic waving the stars and bars wide and high. O say can you see? I will not be surpressed by academic liberal hogsquat definitions being firced down my throat. My forefathers faught, family members died for freedom, and for us to be who we are as a people.
Commies define art. Look up Communist socialist art. Dictators define art. The old school salons full of academics gravelling at the feet of kings and despots have been who define art in the conservative days of art history. Sure, tell me what art is, and lets see how French you are.
This all really has been interesting and surreal. A very through the looking glass agrument. Ha ha, and I was the one giving merit to your not thinking that pipe was art, while you hated the pipe while arguing some absurd objective art babble. Anyways, life is like a box of chocolates, sometimes you get a fish.