Hello everyone.
It's been a while since I've posted at all here. When I was more active, I was in college and a member of a pipe club. Since I very been gone, I've seriously started my life. I have a fiance, and a career, and a residence of my own. It's been a good year or so for me.
While I haven't continually smoked my pipes through this time, I always enjoy them when I do bring them out. Ive even got a good friend and coworker to stop smoking cigarettes and pick up the pipe.
I do have to say though, some of my opinions on pipe smoking gave changed. I'm still a sucker for va's and vapers, but it's my opinion on pipes that's changed. I'm now a corn cob addict. A cob snob, if you will.
I've collected dozens of pipes over the years now. From Dunhills to Boswells. From petersons to savenellis. And many many things in between. But for some reason, I always, always grab a corn cob. I can't even tell you what it is about them, that attracts me.
Of course I've always had one or two on hand, so they are nothing new to me. It's either the reliability or consistency: they always smoke cool sweet and even, the whole bowl. Or the sheer utility: I can use the same one over and over until it's burnt out, without fear or worry it will be ruined. 9 times out of 10 I even grab the most ubiquitous and cheapest of the cobs, the humble legend. It is my ever present, ever ready companion. Always willing and able to accompany, no matter how rigorous, lackadaisical, or even foolish my plans are for that day. I can grab one of my favorite briars, I have a 7 day set of Boswell that used to give me hours of smoking time and tons of pride. Really, insert any half decent briar on the collection, and a year ago I would have taken that. But now, it's always the legend. I can't tell you why.
That's enough rant. It's good to be back on the forum. I'm planning on checking in more often.
If you have any thoughts on my corn cobbery, please let me hear them. I'm very interested in others opinions on the subject.
I'm glad to always have this community to come back to. I have a well worn legend packed and wind capped with Mississippi River waiting for me.
It's been a while since I've posted at all here. When I was more active, I was in college and a member of a pipe club. Since I very been gone, I've seriously started my life. I have a fiance, and a career, and a residence of my own. It's been a good year or so for me.
While I haven't continually smoked my pipes through this time, I always enjoy them when I do bring them out. Ive even got a good friend and coworker to stop smoking cigarettes and pick up the pipe.
I do have to say though, some of my opinions on pipe smoking gave changed. I'm still a sucker for va's and vapers, but it's my opinion on pipes that's changed. I'm now a corn cob addict. A cob snob, if you will.
I've collected dozens of pipes over the years now. From Dunhills to Boswells. From petersons to savenellis. And many many things in between. But for some reason, I always, always grab a corn cob. I can't even tell you what it is about them, that attracts me.
Of course I've always had one or two on hand, so they are nothing new to me. It's either the reliability or consistency: they always smoke cool sweet and even, the whole bowl. Or the sheer utility: I can use the same one over and over until it's burnt out, without fear or worry it will be ruined. 9 times out of 10 I even grab the most ubiquitous and cheapest of the cobs, the humble legend. It is my ever present, ever ready companion. Always willing and able to accompany, no matter how rigorous, lackadaisical, or even foolish my plans are for that day. I can grab one of my favorite briars, I have a 7 day set of Boswell that used to give me hours of smoking time and tons of pride. Really, insert any half decent briar on the collection, and a year ago I would have taken that. But now, it's always the legend. I can't tell you why.
That's enough rant. It's good to be back on the forum. I'm planning on checking in more often.
If you have any thoughts on my corn cobbery, please let me hear them. I'm very interested in others opinions on the subject.
I'm glad to always have this community to come back to. I have a well worn legend packed and wind capped with Mississippi River waiting for me.