Some opinions and a hello after an absence.

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May 8, 2011
Hello everyone.
It's been a while since I've posted at all here. When I was more active, I was in college and a member of a pipe club. Since I very been gone, I've seriously started my life. I have a fiance, and a career, and a residence of my own. It's been a good year or so for me.
While I haven't continually smoked my pipes through this time, I always enjoy them when I do bring them out. Ive even got a good friend and coworker to stop smoking cigarettes and pick up the pipe.
I do have to say though, some of my opinions on pipe smoking gave changed. I'm still a sucker for va's and vapers, but it's my opinion on pipes that's changed. I'm now a corn cob addict. A cob snob, if you will.
I've collected dozens of pipes over the years now. From Dunhills to Boswells. From petersons to savenellis. And many many things in between. But for some reason, I always, always grab a corn cob. I can't even tell you what it is about them, that attracts me.
Of course I've always had one or two on hand, so they are nothing new to me. It's either the reliability or consistency: they always smoke cool sweet and even, the whole bowl. Or the sheer utility: I can use the same one over and over until it's burnt out, without fear or worry it will be ruined. 9 times out of 10 I even grab the most ubiquitous and cheapest of the cobs, the humble legend. It is my ever present, ever ready companion. Always willing and able to accompany, no matter how rigorous, lackadaisical, or even foolish my plans are for that day. I can grab one of my favorite briars, I have a 7 day set of Boswell that used to give me hours of smoking time and tons of pride. Really, insert any half decent briar on the collection, and a year ago I would have taken that. But now, it's always the legend. I can't tell you why.
That's enough rant. It's good to be back on the forum. I'm planning on checking in more often.
If you have any thoughts on my corn cobbery, please let me hear them. I'm very interested in others opinions on the subject.
I'm glad to always have this community to come back to. I have a well worn legend packed and wind capped with Mississippi River waiting for me.



Jun 30, 2015
Welcome back! Sounds like a productive year for you. I too love my cobs; they're great smokers and the price was ideal for me just starting out.



Feb 1, 2014
Augusta, Ga
Hey John, Nice to meet you. I'm been around the forum and piping for 2 yrs now(in Jan) and enjoy the whole hobby. I'll be trying more cobs. Only one I had I turned into a churchwarden.



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 21, 2015
Chicago, IL
I just bought my first cob (an Old Dominion) after reading many opinions similar to this one. I had my first cob smoke ever last night, and now I understand! An uncomplicated, unique, and excellent smoke from that little workhorse. I gotta add some MMs to my collection now too! I like the way you think, good sir. From a newbie to a veteran (how ironic), welcome back.



May 8, 2011
Coincidence enough, shortly after writing this post, the MM grab bag I ordered arrived at my house. Thats a pretty solid bargain. I ended up with a great dane spool, an ozark, a MacArthur 5 star, 3 bent legends, and 4 straight legends. Anyone who wants to start a decent cob collection should grab one.



Feb 15, 2015
Missouri Meerschaum a National Treasure. I'm still liking a good mix cob to briar - 2/3 briar and 1/3 cob. That may change in the fullness of time. Anyone named John has to be a great person.



Feb 15, 2015
Missouri Meerschaum a National Treasure. I'm still liking a good mix cob to briar - 2/3 briar and 1/3 cob. That may change in the fullness of time. Anyone named John has to be a great person.
If it's worth saying, it's worth saying twice.



May 8, 2011
That a good ratio. Honestly I still have far more briars than cobs, and plan to keep it that way. One of the things I like the most about cobs, is that I do not feel the need to rotate them that often, I usually stick to legends, they are nice and light to clench and their bowl gives me a good solid 45 minute smoke. I only switch or rotate due to bowl size and time, or activity. Legends for activities, freehands for sitting and lounging.
For me, briars are for collecting and enjoying in a different way. I get far more joy out of a briar when I can sit and really take in the whole experience. Enjoy the look of each one, really study the grain. I love the feel in my hand. ALMOST the smoke comes second...almost. In a very not snobby way, I take my smoking seriously. Its not so much that I am serious about it, but that when I am smoking a pipe, I am rarely doing anything but that. My days are pretty busy and fast paced. If I take the time and really slow down and smoke, it turns into a very relaxed experience. Its something I have really had to practice at, slowing down. But thats just me, there is no right way to enjoy this hobby. People get far too caught up in rotations, and rest periods, tobacco dedications, most of it has very little impact on your actual experience. That being said, I am contradicting myself; if thats what you enjoy about it, thats what you should do. Pipe smoking is a great hobby, there are very few others that can be as diverse and personal and still be enjoyable.
And yeah, I am pretty great :P



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 20, 2015
I have the legend , I use it so much, that it's turning brown, very reliable and I find it that the more you smoke frome it, the sweeter the smoke,I hope I does not burn out, it is my first pipe.



Nov 13, 2012
Welcome back. I have a cob or 2 but they aren't my favorite. Although I am interested in picking up one of their Cobbit's.



May 8, 2011
Don't worry about it burning out. It will but it takes far more that you'd imagine. If you want to get the absolute most out of it, maintain the bottom with 'pipe mud' (ash and water/saliva, give it a search) and do your best not to smoke hot and fast. Once a bit of a cake builds up, it will protect the cobs pretty well other than the bottom and stem insert.



Sep 8, 2014
Moody, AL
As a member of The National Organization Of All Things Briar, we're sorry to see you go. While we respect your choice, we can in no way support or condone your horrible mistake. We expect you to follow our charter and return your Brothers Of The Briar lapel pin. Best wishes in your new life, you cornhole :)



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 12, 2014
Cobs are great! No worries about breaking em' in right or breaking them for that matter. Always available in my rotation for a cool, simple smoke. I've grown to enjoy the simple pleasures that the cob brings.

However, I very much enjoy a good briar, say a 1940's vintage yello-bole or Kaywoodie.

I enjoy, and appreciate, war year pipes especially.
Welcome back, and enjoy whatever pipe you have at the moment.

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