I know people love to save money, I know I do. Getting a deal is fun, negotiating a good deal is fun. Smoking the best tobacco for short money is fun. Lets take a look at 2 blends which are similar in taste and in style.
In door number 1 we have Escudo, some say the vaper of all vapers.
In door number 2 we have Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake.
The cost of a 4 gram bowl of Escudo is approx .83 cents. This price is based on a single tin at 10.49 which is about the average price on line for a single tin.
The cost of a 4 gram bowl of LBF is approx.36 cents. I based this on the price of 2.53 an ounce which is for a pound purchase.
Now say you smoke 3 bowls a day, that means for 1.41(.47 cents difference between the two) a day you can smoke the best. Now I know some will say they like the LBF better and of course smoke what you like best. For those however that buy LBF to save money, is a 1.41 a day going to change your life style? Would you rather just store those nice round tins of Escudo or would you rather have to jar everything up and spend the money on the jars. If you factor in the cost of the jars, how much more are you really paying for Escudo? Also who among us smokes the same blend 3 times per day? I know I don't as I like variety. So if you are only smoking one bowl per day that means for .47 cents, you can smoke the best.
Now lets take a very expensive blend that only comes in tins. Capstan Blue Flake goes for 14.25 a tin which translates into 1.14 for a 4 gram bowl. So for a 1.14 you can smoke a bowl of one of the most expensive blends on the market. Think about what you pay for a cup of coffee. A 4 gram bowl of tobacco can be smoked from 1-1.5 hours depending on your style of smoking, how you pack the bowl i.e cube cut, fold and stuff or rubbing out. A fold and stuff will smoke the bowl much longer than a rubbing out in my experience.
So back to the original premise, smoking the best is really not expensive when you break it down to the cost per gram. Would you really want to smoke something that you feel is just ok and the whole time smoking that bowl, think to yourself you wished you could be smoking Capstan Blue Flake? Now you have the math to justify buying the best, now try to sell this to your wives the next time you go on a PAD attack.
All of these prices are based from the retail prices at 4noggins, as they were the only ones to have everything in stock.
In door number 1 we have Escudo, some say the vaper of all vapers.
In door number 2 we have Peter Stokkebye Luxury Bullseye Flake.
The cost of a 4 gram bowl of Escudo is approx .83 cents. This price is based on a single tin at 10.49 which is about the average price on line for a single tin.
The cost of a 4 gram bowl of LBF is approx.36 cents. I based this on the price of 2.53 an ounce which is for a pound purchase.
Now say you smoke 3 bowls a day, that means for 1.41(.47 cents difference between the two) a day you can smoke the best. Now I know some will say they like the LBF better and of course smoke what you like best. For those however that buy LBF to save money, is a 1.41 a day going to change your life style? Would you rather just store those nice round tins of Escudo or would you rather have to jar everything up and spend the money on the jars. If you factor in the cost of the jars, how much more are you really paying for Escudo? Also who among us smokes the same blend 3 times per day? I know I don't as I like variety. So if you are only smoking one bowl per day that means for .47 cents, you can smoke the best.
Now lets take a very expensive blend that only comes in tins. Capstan Blue Flake goes for 14.25 a tin which translates into 1.14 for a 4 gram bowl. So for a 1.14 you can smoke a bowl of one of the most expensive blends on the market. Think about what you pay for a cup of coffee. A 4 gram bowl of tobacco can be smoked from 1-1.5 hours depending on your style of smoking, how you pack the bowl i.e cube cut, fold and stuff or rubbing out. A fold and stuff will smoke the bowl much longer than a rubbing out in my experience.
So back to the original premise, smoking the best is really not expensive when you break it down to the cost per gram. Would you really want to smoke something that you feel is just ok and the whole time smoking that bowl, think to yourself you wished you could be smoking Capstan Blue Flake? Now you have the math to justify buying the best, now try to sell this to your wives the next time you go on a PAD attack.
All of these prices are based from the retail prices at 4noggins, as they were the only ones to have everything in stock.