Smoking Inside the House

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Aug 2, 2016
Worst smoke Nazi I ever ran into was years ago when I was attending a workshop. I'd smoked my pipe in the car on lunch break and returned. A woman sitting in front of me turned and complained to me that I smelled of smoke. I suggested she move then. :nana:

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Oct 31, 2011
East Indiana
I smoke in my home, if I try a new blend and my wife finds the smell awful....I don’t smoke that blend. Fortunately she enjoys the smell of pipe smoke and has only vetoed maybe 5 or 6 blends in our 20 years together. She actually enjoys the smell of Latakia!

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Mar 13, 2018
SC Piedmont
"It's a fault." -- As an old buddy used to say, "I'm constitutionally incapable of it. Truth doesn't always sit well with people. :)
Philo, oddly enough, so does mine. Odd ducks we are.

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Might Stick Around
May 9, 2018
I am lucky, I have a heated shop in which I mostly smoke...having recently acquired this house and that shop is what motivated my reintroduction to, in the summer, I also have a screened-in back porch where I can smoke in peace and be free from mosquitoes.

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May 23, 2018
I have two options. Outside, which won't work in the winter or the enclosed back porch (16'x8'). I'm currently updating the back porch to make it a bit more comfortable and pleasing. I still have to do the floor and install a baseboard heater. The door with the black handle is fake...added it for some character. I'm going to decorate the porch with some pipe and tobacco signs and pictures. Still need a chair and a small table.

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Can't Leave
Nov 28, 2016
Thanks for linking my mancave 3rdguy.
Ben, when I was having an addition built onto my house, 11 or so years ago, I had it built with a home office in the attic space above the new media room and master bedroom addition.
I had the builder put in an exhaust fan setup. It's a panasonic whisper quiet 440 cfm fan that is mounted in the attic and has 3 hvac vents, located in the ceiling, connected to it.
It works great! I have poker games up here once a month or so and it does a good job of exhausting the smoke from 8 or 9 guys smoking cigars.
On a regular basis, like right now, I sit up here, have a pipe, a glass of scotch, and peruse the pipe forums on the laptop.
The exhaust fan, associated ducting and vents and labor came in at less than $800 - $1,000 installed.
Full disclosure here, when I do have the room full of cigar smokers, I do crack a couple of windows open to assist with airflow, allowing the fan to pull more smoke out quickly.

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Staff member
Sep 4, 2015
Baku, Azerbaijan
Well, my alias is 'wind-chaser'. There are 2 rooms that I usually smoke in our apartment depending on the direction of the wind. If it is a north-east wind I am in the kitchen sitting nearby the window, if south-west wind then I am in the other room. Air current works miracles, it instantly carries the smoke away. Taking its advantage I can even smoke a cigar in the kitchen while watching my favorite TV series. Unfortunately, this activity can be done only in a good weather condition. Another reason to hate winters.



Jul 11, 2014
North Central Florida
I do employ an air purifier. I replace the HEPA filters about every 2-3 mos. and the pre- filters are maintained as well.

I don't think it is completely effective but I do feel that it helps some. I have it set up right in front of my a/c intake vent.

My place smells like tobacco anyway, but, I try to keep the air as clean as I can. Since I've been using the purifier, there has been a noticeable improvement.

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Oct 14, 2014
Anyone catch the report that failed to find a link between 2nd hand smoke and cancer?
I smoke outside, sometimes wearing ski gear.
I like npod’s tent idea, but I like to see the snow fall and hear the owls hoot.

Mar 1, 2014
The only strategy I can think of that might work is if you install an actual wood burning fireplace and then only smoke Latakia. Chances are only a few people would be able to tell you weren’t just covered in regular soot, which is one of the best things about Latakia.



I run the HVAC fan a lot and replace the filters about every month. Additionally, I run an air purifier after smoking. It's nothing fancy. Something called Zen Air that has an ozone and ionizer setting. I don't always run the ozone, but turn it on low right after smoking. Also, my house has mainly hardwood floors and wood and leather furniture in it. If you have carpeted floors and/or fabric covered furniture your house will smell more and the stale smell of smoke will linger. Fans, air purifiers, wood, and leather are the way to go to keeping a home smelling fresh.

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