As Bradley, (The Old Cajun) indicated, I've had some experience with this problem. As I was filling my pipe from a tin, I dropped the tin from my lap, and a bunch of tobacco fell onto the floor. Being too cheap to waste tobacco, I scooped it up and put it back in the tin, only to find that it was now mixed with a generous portion of cat hair.
What to do? I had no wish to experience the joys of smoking cat hair (I already know what it smells like when one of our cats inadvertently gets its tail into the innumerable flaming candles my wife has all over the house). Finally it came to me: you know those foam packing peanuts that come with your latest order from whatever tobacconist? You know how they have so much static cling you can't get them off your hands? Well, wave one of those suckers over your tin or your pipe bowl, and, magically, the cat hairs rise from the tobacco and adhere to the peanut. Problem solved. (Well, not 100%, but close enough.) :P