...I think he was rather hoping that you would be more specific. HD is Harley-Davidson?
I agree with your tactical assessment of the situation elbert! But to quote the Dread Pirate Roberts, " Get used to living with disappointment." Favorite line from a movie, any guesses what movie? I do not like to provide my location on a open forum, because so very much information is taken from us by the government, insurance companies, hospitals, Department of Vetran Affairs, Law Enforcement at Federal, state, and local jurisdiction. That I pride myself on keeping sensitive information under a OPPERATIONAL SECURITY (OPSEC) sub task. Current location falls under OPSEC. As I get to know members better a PM asking the same information may not fall under my OPSEC.
Phil yes, HD is Harley Davidson. One does not drive a Harley Davidson, one or two ride a Harley Davidson. If I have to explain why it is so important to point out that I ride a Harley Davidson and not some other motorcycle, you simply will not understand the explanation. No worries Phil, I have always enjoyed your posts, and your Avitar (Lee was the man!) is squared away, I have no issue with you. Side note, have you checked out the Lee Van Cleef meerschaum pipe? It is the one he smokes in "A few dollars more" if not, do a Google search it comes up. I want one quite badly lol!!
Warren, close lol, I actually ride a High Definition, Hard Drive while suffering from Hemroid Disease, not to mention the Huge Discomfort, while eating Hot Dogs, and drinking Highly Drinkable coffee on unusually Hot Days searching for a Hot Date in order to try for some Horizontal Dancing on my Highly Desirable, Homicidally Deranged murdercycle!!
Now Warren Hows Dat one?