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Starting to Get Obsessed
May 23, 2012
I'm David and 44, I'm in rural St. John's County Florida which is in Northeast Florida just outside of St. Augustine Florida. My family has been from this area for quite a long time...a very long time! I have been married 18 years to a very bright and beautiful, 1st generation American/Italian woman from NY that I met in college. I have two great sons that are well behaved and excel in sports and academics. I graduated from FSU and played a couple years of college football. I'm a big man. I'm 6'2 and my playing weight was 275lbs back in the day, I'm now 230lbs.
I am a police officer in the very big city nearby and have done it all and seen it all in my almost 19 year career. I will be retiring from law enforcement in a couple years and will start a second career in I don't know what yet. Fortunately my wife is a brilliant shrink and makes much more money than I do.
I grew up right on the beach so I spent my childhood surfing and fishing in the Atlantic Ocean. My favorite activity is to surf and have been doing it since I was 9, minus a few years when I got sorta fat. But I'm super fit now and can surf all day. I also play golf a little (3 times a month or more). I am a true southerner, I say “y’all” and “recon so”. I consider myself a very blessed man and have a happy life and very good health.

Jan 8, 2013
Some of you have seen me around the last couple weeks I think, but I'm Anthony or Tony or whichever. Fort Worth Texas, ya'll! I've been smoking a pipe about as long as I've been a member of this forum. Not much to say about myself really. I'm writing a fantasy novel, I play and write music, and I work in the meat department for a large grocery store. Right now my book is the most important thing in my life. I've put a lot of time into it, and perhaps a bit of my soul.

Jan 8, 2013
I play mainly guitar, but I like to pick up a bass every once in a while. I can get around ok on a drum kit, and I can fool around on the keys a bit. I try to tell myself I can play anything I want if it's right in front of me, but I tried the bagpipes once... yeah that didn't go so well.



Jul 13, 2010
Most who would remember you have gone over the years, Marty. I'm glad that you've finally got some time to come back to us. We old-timers are far and few between these days.
Since I've never posted in this thread before, I'll play.
I have many hobbies that I binge on for anywhere from a few weeks to several months. The only one that has stuck for any appreciable amount of time is smoking my pipes. Right now, I'm on an anime kick with slice-of-life anime being my focus at this moment. I'm really enjoying one called, "Silver Spoon" in which a city-kid (in Japan, of course) decides to attend an agricultural high school (apparently they have those in Japan) for no better reason than he doesn't know what else to do. He gets a rude awakening in all things agricultural with very funny results. I just finished one called, "Say, I Love You" in which a social-leper girl catches the interest of the popular guy in school and the series revolves around the roller-coaster of emotions that come with falling in love. Very heart-warming and try-to-life.



Jun 5, 2010
Cornelius, NC
thanks Jason, didn't realize there had been such a vacancy of the old timers. I promise to behave myself this time religion, politics, or sports replies from me from now on. :wink: I did run a few good men off to hide from me. 8O



Jul 13, 2010
I promise to behave myself this time around...

I'll believe it when I see it! LOL! The thought of you behaving is about as improbable as a whale and a petunia appearing in midair.

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