The site is currently a victim of it's own success.
I'm sorry for the slowness. I find myself cursing at my own site on a daily basis.
I appreciate everyone's patience until I can budget for a new server.
I totally blew out the budget this year with several unplanned, un-budgeted-for trips.
I do not regret the following trip this year. They were fun, the people were great, and I got great content for the site. However, they each cost between $1,000 - $1,800 to do, and none were in the original budget. (Maybe I should go into politics with my natural ability to go over-budget.)
1. January - Seattle Pipe Club 10th Anniversary
2. February - St. Louis Pipe Show
3. June - Kansas City Pipe Show (Hopefully, the article will be done today.)
So, that's about $4,500 over-budget for the first half of the year.
Sorry for the long answer, but I feel a little better getting that off my chest.