I'll go ahead and admit it here, I am not a "smoke it gently" kind of guy. I've tried it again and again because here on the forums they'll make you believe you are doing something wrong if you produce any kind of significant smoke, so for years I tried maintaining a smolder and ya know what? It just doesn't work for me! I get loads of flavor when I produce thick clouds of velvety smoke and I don't have problems with tongue bite at all. I think it was Kashmir that has a long thread where he basically says that "real" pipe smokers hardly produce any smoke at all and they basically laugh when they see a pipe smoker with thick clouds of smoke coming out of his mouth because (in his mind) they're doing it all wrong. I'm wondering how many pipe smokers just barely sip to get just a tiny whisper of smoke versus those who actually puff. I'm not talking about puff puff the magic dragon and the pipe is done in 5 minutes type of puffing here but I'm talking loooong puffs and looooong exhales (retrohales at that) and I'm not really enjoying the pipe until I'm snorking a good amount of thick, flavorful smoke. Another thing is, once the charring light is taken care of, that's it! I'm not relighting my pipe several times per smoke and I most always smoke in tandem keeping both pipes lit the entire session. Don't get me wrong, certain blends are good when sipped because they can get bitter if puffed too hard but for the most part, when I smoke, I SMOKE! I'm not saying one way is right and the other is wrong just do what works for you.
I thought this would make for an interesting discussion.
So what are you, a puffer or a sipper?
I thought this would make for an interesting discussion.
So what are you, a puffer or a sipper?