I ran a few tests, for ¡science!
Even with Latakia blends, for me, the breath-smoking method works best. Among other things, it creates a sort of kiln effect where the blend partially caramelizes for the bottom three-quarters of the bowl.
It also enables me to do other stuff while smoking, including think. I can remember to breathe, but not puff. Also cannot walk and chew gum at the same time.
The best aspect of it, however, is the saturation of flavor. Instead of rough off/on, I sort of feel like I am living life through a cloud of tobacco that is always present like a lifeline, and since it is never too extreme, it becomes part of the surrounding environment and sort of colors it with a sense of well-being and tastiness. I am steeped in the flavor of the blend, and the experience emerges from contemplation of that over time.
For the three Latakia blends I have tried in this experiment, the tangy edge came off the Latakia, allowing the spicy underlying flavor to pop out, and it melded quite well with the Virginias and Orientals, making that sweet-sour taste that people love in barbecue sauce, Chinese food and dead relationships.