Hahahahaha, Well I assure you its not Condor! A fellow chap from the forum here who shall remain nameless(unless he wants to spill the beans) offered 2 pounds of unknown assorted tobaccos to the first responder provided they pay shipping. That happened to be me and tipped him mildly. They are all quite decent tobaccos but Im hung on this one batch I find very interesting. I believe it to be a dark Virginia and quite possibly McClelland No. 2010 Classic Virginia or McClelland No. 2015 Virginia Flake and Perique. I separated out a jar for aging and began smoking up the rest as an in-between of my "John Bull + 30% Blending Latakia" and some Lane IQ and some other mild aromatic tobaccos. I like the way the larger flakes burn(so cool) and so I wanted savor them alone. Therefore the sorting of that bag. Ive already gifted out some of the tobacco. Its good to have such to throw in with a trade to a fellow traveler in the pipe clouds.
You want some CondorMan?